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I recently became an Admin on the GFL purge server but I know basically no one outside of purge.

Because of this I decide to come here and introduce myself to other so hopefully I can meet more people!

Hello there! I'm Ty, nice to meet'cha.

Hope your day has been good so far, go ahead and move onto the next comment, I got nothin' for you anymore :) 

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I am really excited, even though you're already a Server Admin, that you are choosing to explore the greater community more beyond the game; I've seen a lot of others try to misuse the forums as a means to achieve an authoritative position within our team although it is not common for others to achieve such a position without it...  your intentions are clearly pure (good).  That is fantastic and a great sign of leadership in my eyes.  I've been game-hopping recently with some ideas in mind, but Purge is still one that I am interested in looking into :)


If you'd like to add a few people from outside of your game, then I'd like to invite you to add me on Steam.  My current username is [GFL] Joshy.  Maybe you can show me around.


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