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Remake Steam art request.

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Hey guys, not very familiar with the whole art department and know bare minimum about everything so u will have to excuse my lack of knowledge :)

I was hoping for someone to make a little steam animation for my background - https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/753/386480-Meteor Shower

Something simple would be amazing with the text 'Tom Riddle', i saw @Rose's steam animation and was hoping for the same sort of 'effect'? if you could use hers as a guide.

once again sorry for not knowing a lot feel free to message me on here or on steam if u have any questions or are confused and ill try to make it a bit clearer for you.

Also could the animation go with the background?

i wouldnt mind gifting someone VIP or something for making it.



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Are you requesting for a short size or long size?

Long size would look like how rose has hers. 

Short size would look like the old way with 3 random artworks on the right and one big fat one on the left.


credits to @Clavers

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