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Google Translate is just ?

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I was playing on the ps4 yesterday and found this spanish chick on fortnite as my squadmate and she didn't speak a word of english. Thank you google translate no joke she understood everything I said in a very broken and shitty spanish

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Most of the google translation are people submitting random suggestions. The Google Team doesn't actually care as much; so they don't actually adjust the correct settings or actual translation. But ooga booga is an actual word in another language and it is for somali. I mean heck, English seems like a ooga booga to other people that don't speak English; while per say; it's the same way when Asian people speak; most of you hear "ching chong dingaling". 


credits to @Clavers

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Posted  Edited by MegaUpload

Wtf I tried it on Google translate and it actually works, I thought he was joking like wtf does ooga booga even mean and when I typed it actually translated it into random words like wtf now I know how to speak Somali lol


And also I'm Asian @Bae and I don't hear Asians saying ching ching whether there from eastern Asia or western Asia and I think your just trying to offend Asians lmao, stop with this racism bullshit, you know what Asians actually do the same thing to white people, they have lots of racist thoughts about white people especially for the Americans 

Edited by MegaUpload

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4 hours ago, Mould said:

Fucking hell. Reading this has made me question my sanity

what were you trying to read, somali or english? :thinking: 


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21 minutes ago, MegaUpload said:

Wtf I tried it on Google translate and it actually works, I thought he was joking like wtf does ooga booga even mean and when I typed it actually translated it into random words like wtf now I know how to speak Somali lol


And also I'm Asian @Bae and I don't hear Asians saying ching ching whether there from eastern Asia or western Asia and I think your just trying to offend Asians lmao, stop with this racism bullshit, you know what Asians actually do the same thing to white people, they have lots of racist thoughts about white people especially for the Americans 

When you realise that Derpy is Asian and that's the only reason her example seems to be racist. ::o:

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@MegaUpload As dano mentioned, I'm Asian; better yet; I'm more close to people using ching chong dingaling; because I'm Chinese but you misread what I put. I never said other Asians say Ching Chong. Read slowly.


Asian speaking.

Other race listening.

Asian says hello in their language.

Other race hears "ching chong dingaling" / did not understand what Asian people are saying.

Asian people hears other race speaks "blahblahblah".


Before you call me racist or assuming I'm racist, please read what I said slowly and carefully. I never said anything racist in my sentence at all, I'm just saying that in overall sense; people that don't speak the same language; especially caucasian people; will assume that asian people are just speaking ching chong. While in other races, it sounds like blah blah (vampire).


credits to @Clavers

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8 hours ago, Shuruia said:

(I can't make a spoiler for the video, but you know what he put down.)

Atleast post the longer one, it's even funnier :D


Hope your day has been good so far, go ahead and move onto the next comment, I got nothin' for you anymore :) 

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