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[Announcement] Will you define GFL’s future?

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Wonderful announcement and I recommend this to anyone who is interested in the STEM field.  A lot of reputable organizations are willing to look through your GitHub profiles to see your work despite its applications (they care more about the fundamental understanding, syntax, and strategy), and so it can be used a lot like a resume/CV.


This is very valuable experience and it's one of few areas that more easily translate into real world opportunities.  You've got nothing to lose whether it be a rejected application or producing very few projects, but you have so much to gain.  The time you put into it is a direct investment on yourself.


I'm glad to see some effort being put into this side of GFL once again.  Nice.


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Always thought about applying, especially after learning C++ (and a tiny bit of Python) tho I'll probably have a hard time keeping myself motivated for the long term.

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