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Updates on RuneScape Mini-Division

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Hey folks, it's time for a long, overdue updates on this mini-division. It's short, but this will hype you up.


Given the fact that earlier this year, Jagex announced RuneScape mobile and few other things, I wanted to let you know that they will release mobile version in early 2018, which gives no known date. To boost up the activity, if you are one of those people who will be returning to RS, let me know, and I will be giving you a starter pack (20,000 GP + 3 bar on OSRS clan chat).


Christmas Event

Jagex released an update related to Christmas until Jan 4, which will be a release of grand-master quest called Dragon Slayer II. If you still want to join and play RuneScape, it's pretty easy - the direct link is here.


State of this mini-division

I still have huge hopes of this mini-division happening and keeping strong, I want to point out that helping me out to lead is still open. I will resume posting more updates on Jan 4 (Jagex announced that they'll resume as it is holiday break for them). I will, and plan to play OSRS more often. Outside the internet life during the holidays is usually busier, with my dad's birthday coming up, gathering with family members, and some other things.  Other than that, if I can balance, I will bounce back and try hard enough to keep this mini-division going, doing it alone will make it harder.


To end this, if you still play RuneScape, I encourage you to help me out and advertise to get folks from OSRS to join. I will no longer be going to use RS official forums to accept people's application - instead, if new people often use Clan Chat, I will have them added as a recruit (one bar). I'm going to use Public Discord RuneScape category as much as I can.


Happy holidays!





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