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Jacket and Ryan

I need help with transferring gmod PM to VRChat

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https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=293351182 I need to transfer this model to VRChat

Here is a tutorial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCkqlW-JsGk&t=567s

I got stuck on a part because I had multiple texture files so I found this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxbVP39BdjQ

When I was doing it I think I messed up somebody please do this for me.



"Execute Order 66."

-Emperor Palpatine

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If you want to get into vrchat models and stuff..
That is probably the best tutorial out there. Been using this for months now.



Yes, I got too many hours on a game like vrchat.
And I got custom RuneScape avatars.



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@Leks weak. http://prntscr.com/jqeloe


Multiple texture files are fine, In blender check the materials and assign each texture the whatever materials it belongs to. If it doesn't need to be assigned, then don't use it. I think you can avoid using any normal maps and such in blender as well if you rip those. if its a multiple material model figure out which texture goes to what. If its a single materials w/ multiple texture, figure out what texture you ripped is the atlased texture. Both of those videos you linked should help you and get you through it. Its a lot of time / effort, but a lot of fun. 

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