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What if Class D could kill each other?

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Posted  Edited by Spode

We know that the Class-D have to work as a team in order to escape. But what if the standpoint was to not benefit the team, but to benefit you.






The betraying of others brings a new fashion to breach gameplay.

Say an SCP comes to a room with Class-Ds, you can simply close the door to spare your life for the cost of others.

This one example may sound toxic, but could bring new strategies to gameplay. 




Competing for items means you come out top, while others will have to become better.

Killing each other for items means the more skilled will win, which means that the unskilled must become better to defend themselves.

Games would go quicker due to the lessening of players.




Even if their is a free for all, you can still make a group of people to survive with. With a killing on killing motive, people would more likely try to gain the trusts of others.

This would mean more groups would form to work together. That actually increases the chance of Class-D winning against MTF, since of more groups being formed.






In conclusion, this is just an idea. Even though this would bring many new aspects to breach, it would still come with problems:


  • the maps site_19, arguably the best map, but the smallest and most picked, means that killing Class-D would be very confined and would lead to many dying in the beginning of the round. 


  • Site_19 has only one path to take leading to Class-D being in one place.


  • Researchers can act as competition to Class-D already, due to them fighting for items.


  • The team system is already implemented.


  • Class-D die to quickly in rounds.






Keep in Mind this was just a fun concept I came up with, if it were to be implemented would be great, but these problems would have to sorted out first. I am not asking for anything, this is just for a discussion. -Spode

Edited by Spode

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I don't think this would be a good idea as people will just take it to the extreme and use it to justify things like RDM and closing doors on teammates and it will just encourage a Free for all game style rather than working together to escape












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1 hour ago, Lambda said:

I don't think this would be a good idea as people will just take it to the extreme and use it to justify things like RDM and closing doors on teammates and it will just encourage a Free for all game style rather than working together to escape

That is exactly what I said, a free for all game type. Rdm would not be a thing. Closing doors on teammates was explained in the first paragraph. Taking it to the extreme was a problem I listed.


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If you give players the option to kill a faction, they will kill that faction, As we see with researchers and d class.



(signature made by @Kaylode)

Previously known as Xy.


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No disrespect, but that is a horrible idea. The only strength D-Class have are their numbers. Maybe that could be implemented for a special round, but adding it to the normal rounds sounds like a no-go.

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8 hours ago, miike475 said:

No disrespect, but that is a horrible idea. The only strength D-Class have are their numbers. Maybe that could be implemented for a special round, but adding it to the normal rounds sounds like a no-go.

It was just an idea ::D:, again there are many problems that can't go unnoticed. It was just a fun thing to write and discuss.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Mind you, this came naturally with when D-Class maimed, gutted, and generally slaughtered those who they detested the most, even fellow D-Class. With the most poignant examples being Nastyballers antics. But then Xy soyed out and makes us wait till 11:00 to partake in the ceremony of D-Class and Researcher bloodbaths, and disabled friendly fire .

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Mind you it's not a bad idea granted people would actually team but we know that won't happen and people will KOS everyone. But a round type like CPT.Haxgay mention would be cool since it's not going to be the norm. 


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