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Samuel Stu

Missing or deleted SCPs?

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Maybe it's just me, but I've seen a starling lack of a bunch of different scp's recently. Were they removed, or are their spawns just rare? I'll quickly list the one's I've yet to see in a while


- SCP-999

- SCP 1048-A

- SCP-2639-A

- SCP-178 (Although I'm pretty sure he actually did get removed)

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They are still around. SCP-1048-A is on a different map. Not sure about SCP-2639-A. I'm guessing the reason why you're seeing them less is because of our booster pack where you can buy cards to have a higher chance of being a SCP that you get to choose.

Average HL2RP Enjoyer.

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Changelogs are where you'll find the answer ;)


1048a was removed, but 1048b was not


178 is removed, and the other 2 are just more rare


(signature made by @Kaylode)

Previously known as Xy.


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