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Best Possible way to get Banned in Breach

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Posted  Edited by Doomnack

Amazing story that just happened today.


My face when I'm Class-D




My face when I find guns.




My face when I kill 1 researcher and 1 MTF, who seemingly don't even fire back




My face when I get reported by both of them. I thought they were salty.




My face when I look into the bottom right corner and see that my class is Researcher, and I just RDM'd two innocent people.




My face and hand when I leave the server in panic and shame.




My face and hand when I get banned for RDM and leave. 




Well I don't think I can get a ban appeal without using the most retarded excuse in existence. Well, I wish it was an excuse, because its not normal for a human to be that dull.


Time to sit out for an entire week.


Thanks me.





Edited by Doomnack

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That's a big oof right there. I done plenty of that, but never left, just took my slays like any man would

Number 15. Infinity War Spoilers. The last thing you want is Infinity War Spoilers, but that's what you might get.

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Sad, since you are not particulary new i knew something was up with you rdm'ing but, you shouldn't have left, if you had responded to the report me or the reporters might've forgiven you, and this would be concluded with a warn or no punishment. Don't forget to not leave and also check your class next time.

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33 minutes ago, Ravelord said:

Sad, since you are not particulary new i knew something was up with you rdm'ing but, you shouldn't have left, if you had responded to the report me or the reporters might've forgiven you, and this would be concluded with a warn or no punishment. Don't forget to not leave and also check your class next time.

Chromosome lack kicked in when I decided to leave. I crossed my fingers that they would hopefully forget but I was sharply wrong, lol.

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I've done this 2 times, once was when the round was taking awhile and nothing was happening so i forgot my role, and i got scared and filled a fellow MTF with bullets. [He also got scared since he shot me once, it was dark in HCZ and we ran into eachother]


2nd was when i was around d class for so long and they didn't kill me but killed researchers [which i was a researcher], i thought i was a d class and accidentally killed 2 MTF shooting at us




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I think I had a severe adrenaline rush from the exceptionally good round as Class-D I had right before this special round. I massacred everything and now I massacred my breach ban reputation.



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Please don't post on something a few months old to say something unneeded, thanks. 

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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