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SCP-4126 "The Bedsheet Ghost"

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SCP-4126's Wiki: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-4126



SCP-4126 is a standard white bedsheet for a king sized mattress. The bedsheet does not have a tag or brand name on it. On the center of the sheet are two equally-sized and parallel holes cut neatly into the sheet. Closer inspection shows no form of damage or wear. However, being within 0.914 meters (3 feet) of the object can cause problems with radio frequencies, specifically that of cellular devices and any form of radio. This can be compared to the common rumor that ghosts, if they existed, interfere with cellular and radio signals. SCP-4126 usually lays completely still as a bedsheet in its “resting” form, or SCP-4126-A. However, the bedsheet will occasionally rise on its own as if being put on by someone. This state is classified as SCP-4126-B, or its "haunting" form. Looking under the sheet reveals nothing; no human, entity, or any form of organism, living or dead.In its “haunting” form, as dubbed by personnel, SCP-4126-B gains the ability to speak English in a similar voice to that of a 22-year-old male human, and has an estimated IQ of average intelligence for that age. SCP-4126-B is completely sentient and displays basic traits that humans possess. The object enjoys “messing around” with Foundation personnel by attempting to “spook” them by shouting “boo” after appearing from the ground, ceiling, or surrounding walls. The objects rarely takes anything seriously, and can barely even comprehend seriousness (See Addendum 4126-1 for more information). In this form, SCP-4126-B becomes incorporeal and is no longer affected by the laws of gravity, collision, propulsion, motion, or mass. The negation of these laws of physics grants SCP-4126-B the ability to effortlessly phase through almost all forms of physical matter (See Addendum 4126-4 for the exception) and float upside down without folding in on itself.




Team: SCP

Health: 2100

Attack Damage: 0

Attack Speed: 2 Seconds

Movement Speed: Slightly Faster Than Human Sprinting Speed

Spawn: Storage Basement



LMB: Spook (Stuns enemy for 1 second)(Takes 2 seconds to use again)

RMB: Scare (Goes underground, similar to 017's attack but the shadow is grey instead of black. While underground, SCP-4126 cannot be damaged and it can stay under the ground for 5 seconds but it can choose when to come out. Instead of dealing damage, SCP-4126 will scare the enemy and the enemy will be stunned for 5 seconds)(Cooldown for 14 seconds)

Special: If SCP-4126 is in the round, radios will not work until SCP-4126 dies. SCP-4126's jump height is the same as low gravity.


SCP-4126's purpose is to mainly be a support for the SCP Team. With SCP-4126's stunning LMB and RMB, it can let SCP's attack since their enemy will be vulnerable. It also can distract enemies with it's speed, high health, and jump height to annoy them.


The playermodel can be- oh shucks I checked the workshop for a playermodel that looks similar to SCP-4126 but I couldn't find anything. If anyone finds or knows a playermodel that looks like this please let me know by replying and put the link to the playermodel too.






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Due to having no damage and having a heavy reliance on other SCPs, this would take up a very supportive role in a game where the SCPs don’t usually communicate. This would take up an SCP slot and make certain encounters, especially one where there aren’t many SCPs, makes the ghost wholly useless. It can’t even break out on its own by damaging doors. Because no damage. Having a “support” on SCP Team is good on paper, but generally underwhelming in practice.


-1 dude, sorry.

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This would only work if it was made so it could only spawn if there was at least 1 other scp.


Even in said situation, it becomes completely worthless when its the last SCP. as everyone knows it exists due to the radio thing, it will become a priority target.


However, my biggest issue is how completely unfun it would be to play against this SCP. Due to the fact hes faster than human sprint speed, it means he can serve the same role scp-999 does for the MTF: stun someone into the ground. Scp-999 is overpowered, as such a SCP with the same effect who is FASTER than people would be equally overpowered. If same speed or slower it would be underpowered.



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I think it would work better if it could give people heart attacks and thus kill people. 

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

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