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Reduce the m249 price

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Posted  Edited by Morningstar

Snice the negev price had been increase to 4000$, i think we should reduce the m249 price to 2200-2700$ ? . The m249 isn't a bad defend wweapon but it not an ideal defend weapona, it just decent weapon with the normal accuracy you have to stand completely still to have a good accuracy even if you walking the bullet still fly every where not like the negev and if you talking about the damage of the m249 deal with breakable object the bizon have 64 bullet with 1400$ and if we do a quick math the m249 should be around 2200 - 2700 $ with 100 bullet, if we talking about the damage/kb we can ask the server manager to reduce the damage/kb to make it balance and the m249 doesn't slow you down while you hold down mouse1 so new player might get a chance to survive a push/pull from a boss attack (if they know how to dodge it or listen to the leader). This is just my opinion what do u guys think ?

Edited by Morningstar

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Tbh i dont think we should lower the price of the M249 just cause the Negev price has been “raised” to $4000, cause the negev was originally like $5700 before volvo decided to lower it to $1700 for some reason while barely changing it aside from its movement speeds. So it’s pretty much just being raised back to what it almost was originally.


Plus with breakables, i believe different weapons do different damage and an M249 does more damage than the bizon so i dont think it’d simply be a comparison of bullets to compare pricing (but if we also account for the fire rate + reload time idk if it is necessarily better, someone should do the math tho kek) 

But anyways, like you said, the m249 isnt really an ideal defense weapon so i dont really think we should give ppl incentive to use it Lol

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Posted  Edited by Morningstar

Like i had mension we can ask a server manager to lower the damage to make it more balance

And with a rebuy meta on some map you can rebup more than 5 bizon but you can only rebuy 2 m249 with nade and kev or 3 m249 without nade and kev which usually not the case 

And according to wiki the m249 have a reload time of the negev and the firer rate of the bizon and a decent 195 movement speed

The first pic is the m249 then the negev then the bizon (don't mind the background)

Screenshot_20190126-101501_UC Browser.jpg

Screenshot_20190126-101543_UC Browser.jpg

Screenshot_20190126-101608_UC Browser.jpg

Edited by Morningstar

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No, no and no
I even thought that the negev price increase was equal to m249, and kept the price of the current guns unchanged.
You should understand the purpose of negev price increase is to limit rebuy it, not to raise other weapons.
m249 is actually better than negev in many cases, such as fighting the boss, at 200 velocity when moving, or  shooting and running, which negev can't do, and its damage is of course better than bizon

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Posted  Edited by Morningstar

But you forget the accuracy even if you walking with the m249 the accuracy is very bad you can barely hit the boss/zm, u can barely solo defend with m249 not like the negev

And agian we can lower the damage to make it more balance

Edited by Morningstar

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i feel like nerfing it to lower the price is kinda counter productive tho Lul


Its just an average gun, so i dont see any real reason as to why it should be made cheaper, there’s no need to give incentive to use it


I believe the negev is the only gun whos price has been modified on GFL, and thats cause negev rebuys were OP af at $1700

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I really don't like the idea of interfering too much with the price or power of weapons. negev raised the price because from the beginning its price was more than 5000 dollars, which meant making everything back to the beginning.
Each weapon has its own purpose, you can't hate a gun and offer to remove it, or u  like a gun and offer to increase its power.
Let the game be fair and honest, you can't do better than a valve, trust me

players will decide weapons they should use, don't decide on their behalf

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Posted  Edited by Morningstar

Wdym valve only care about mm they dont care about ze

And i even said we can lower the damage to make it more balance in ze

Atleast make the m249 price 4000 like the negev so i can use it agian and still have money to rebuy kev and nade

Edited by Morningstar

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Posted  Edited by Crazy_Jeff

The recoil isn't too bad if controlled, and the massive clip plus the fast move speed makes it a great tap firing weapon at range. The tap fire and difficult recoil both reward skill. On bosses though, it's usually easy to hit the larger ones. I have a lot of fun with m249 (when i misclick and buy it on accident) but the price should be reduced a little without touching it's nice knockback.


Ona mentions that few servers modify the prices of guns, but those prices were set with normal competitive cs in mind, not ze.  I'd also like to see clip sizes of alternative smgs increased but I don't even know if that's possible.


I'd like to see the gun meta expand beyond bizons and negevs without dethroning them. I'm not talking about suddenly making m249 meta because it's cheaper, just making alternative playstyles somewhat more viable. It's not like I'll be using it on tryhard maps anyways, just to challenge myself and dick around on easier maps.

Edited by Crazy_Jeff

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most people who complain about the M249 as being worthless dont understand that you have to use it in a very different way than the negev. you have to tap fire in 2 round bursts and tap move in between... when you do this you get a very accurate weapon with a lot of knockback and a large clip size and useable movement speed. it takes more skill to learn the spray pattern, but it is great for killing NPCs and Breakables and defending zombies 

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12 hours ago, Morningstar said:

don't mind the background

i do fucking mind its cancer


11 hours ago, Morningstar said:

But you forget the accuracy even if you walking with the m249 the accuracy is very bad you can barely hit the boss/zm,

youre not meant to walk with it, its a machine gun not a SMG


8 hours ago, Crazy_Jeff said:

I don't even know if that's possible.

it is and is done on most other servers so its not just p90/bizon being the only usable smgs, but gfl is very vanilla in it settings compared to other servers

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