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(Playable Scp Suggestion) SCP-896-A

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Posted  Edited by Cpt.Haxray

Brief Description:

SCP-896 is a MMO(Likely world of warcraft) that causes increases to your character stats to affect you in real life if you use your name as the avatar. Investing in too much of a single stat over the other causes your physical skills to deteriorate over time. 


SCP-896-A is one of several d-class used in an experiment regarding SCP-896 who invested all of his points into endurance, and tried to escape alongside two others.



Health: High for a SCP(Think around the same health as 2845 or even 610)

Speed: Slow(Perhaps only slightly faster than 682's base speed, or perhaps exactly the same)

Spawn: Unused containment cells on 1730 and 02. Not sure on other sites

Model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=105153463


Brief Gameplay description: 

SCP-896-A is armed with a shield as his basic weapon. It does 50 damage a hit and has high knockback, but swings incredibly slowly and has a short range. This is made up for by two other abilities he has access to, a charge ability and a taunt ability. 


His charge allows him to move with a sudden burst of speed towards a specific target. Upon imact with the target, does percentage based damage(so more damage to a scp-035 or a tau-5 than to a normal person, and ignores damage reduction from armor). This ability should have a 20 second cooldown and be tied to the R button(same as other scp special abilities). Should end after a set amount of time if he is unable to reach his target.


His second special ability is Taunt. He activates it with his right mouse click and upon being used, forces everyone in range to face him and walk in his direction. He also gains a 30% damage resistance(may need to be higher, idk) during the duration of the taunt(as taunted players can still shoot at him, as can un-taunted players). Taunt on players ends after 5 seconds.


SCP-896-A, much like during the escape event in the original article, is intended to mostly serve as a movable 'wall' or barricade for players. While he is still capable of killing people on his own(by a combination of his charge + a swing or taunt + swing), his main usefulness comes from blocking off potential routes of escape or tanking(literally) damage for other scps. While there already exists several scps with a large health pool, they tend to not be very effective when it comes to serving as a tank or meatshield for other scps due to how they are intended to be played or(ironically) large hitboxes. In essence he is a support scp similar to 681. Where as 681 focuses on area denial while being really squishy on its own(provided you can actually hit its admittedly weird hitbox), 896-A provides more active protection as well as being tankier.


Suggested Swep/model for shield: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=380702193 Best looking shield I could find on the workshop, and comes with attack animations for the swing(as well as already having the damage and knockback built into the weapon).


Taunt Swep: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1628472725

Charge Swep: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1613402560

While I dont expect you to literally use these sweps, im linking them as they could serve as a useful reference. In particular the charge swep is super close to how 896-A's charge should work minus for having knockback. 

Edited by Cpt.Haxray

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3 hours ago, KaitoKiriyama said:

Turn this into an event.

SCP-896’s event

”Raid Party.”

essentially, just make an SCP-896-(a-f) and they all have to escape from the d-block against the whole foundation.

otherwise I like the concept.


Shame only SCP-896-A actually had actual 'super powers'. B had super strenght but no durablity and promptly killed himself trying to use it, one was super smart but uncreative, one was super wise but had no long term memory to speak of anymore, and one was incredibly stupid but could get anyone to do anything he wanted.


So it wouldn't really work as an event.

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