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The ballad of l4d2

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It was a normal l4d2 server day.

Kite9867 and I were playing a campaign of no mercy.

Everything was going well as we cleared the apartments, subway, sewer, and hospital with ease.

All suddenly it was the finale.

I signaled the helicopter rescue while Kite prepped defenses.

The 2 bots were dead as we killed them in the safehouse.

Fucking Louis.

As waves and waves of common and special infected rained down upon us.

We both managed to hold our defenses with relative ease.

The first tank came through and managed to get through our defenses, despite our precautions.

I was hit and thrown across the map and was downed instantly.

Kite held off the tank as I tried my best to help him.

He uses an adrenaline and gets me back up in a instant.

We run and gun the tank while hordes appeared.

The tank finally falls and we sweep the rest of the infected.

I heal up and we both get ready for the next horde.

A hunter manages to pin Kite down as I rush over and kill the hunter on top of him.

We battle endless waves as Louis yells for help from a rescue closet from inside the hospital.

Shut up Louis.

Suddenly the second tank appears with large hordes of infected.

Then we hear it.

The helicopter.

We make a mad dash to the helicopter as we shove and shoot at infected.

Then the tank manages to down me and hit kite.

Kite comes over to help me but I tell him to "Just fucking go!"

He cries for me as the helicopter flies away with him.

As the infected continue to punch and kick at me.

Everything goes white.

Just white.

Then suddenly I open my eyes to a cloudy and cold landscape.

Is this the afterlife?

Or reincarnation?

I hear faint music in the background.

I now realize that I'm on a horse-drawn wagon.

There are other people next to me.

The guy in front of me turns to me and says:

"Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right?"

mfw the music I was hearing was the Skyrim V theme song

mfw when I'm in Skyrim V

God dammit Todd 










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