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We need new surf maps

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So I've been playing on the bigginner surf servers, and i just realised we only have around 20 maps, and there are duplicates like the mesa maps.  I was wondering if there was any way to put any more in the playlist?

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Do you have any suggestions for maps we can add?


I do agree more maps would help as long as they're beginner maps. The only thing we need to make sure of is that these maps don't cause client crashes, etc. I believe in a CS:GO update a while back that altered the lighting, many maps compiled with a certain type of lighting started crashing a lot of clients.


Also tagging @juky for visibility and moved the topic to the CS:GO Surf Timer section.



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15 minutes ago, Roy said:

Do you have any suggestions for maps we can add?


I do agree more maps would help as long as they're beginner maps. The only thing we need to make sure of is that these maps don't cause client crashes, etc. I believe in a CS:GO update a while back that altered the lighting, many maps compiled with a certain type of lighting started crashing a lot of clients.


Also tagging @juky for visibility and moved the topic to the CS:GO Surf Timer section.



Maps not compiled with HDR lighting cause the issue.
Usually happens with older maps, they cause clients to crash on map change.


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We want maps that are both beginner-friendly (or at least where beginners can get decently far) and leave decent headroom for better players to show off their skill. That aside, we don't care too much for map diversity or quantity as the community at large seems to gravitate towards the same maps.


If you have any maps you think would make a good fit for the server you can post them in this thread.


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