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Musical's Community Absence

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Posted  Edited by Musical



I hope all of you have had an amazing summer this year. Time has honestly flown by faster than I was ever anticipating it would. I can't believe that we are already halfway through August. Kind of crazy if you ask me. 


Some of you may be wondering why I am writing this in our staff-section, but the time has come for me to let you guys know what is happening to me and my future. As of August 21st, 2019 (NEXT WEEK), I will no longer be active in game, and maybe not even on the forums. 


I am 18 now and am going into my first year of university. I will be leaving my computer at home, and will only be taking my laptop to university. When I get the chance, I will log onto the forums whilst I'm there, from time-to-time, to see what new suggestions and applications have come up. The next year of my life is going to be very busy and stressful, as I will be actually taking classes and be in a program that I want to learn from. I'll be very active with clubs and sports teams whilst on campus. I will be living on campus, and will be away from my family for 4-8 month durations at times. I will be in university for the next 5 years, hopefully graduating at the end with a Bachelor of Commerce Degree. YOUR BOI IS BECOMING A BUSINESS MAN! :P


Unfortunately, my family is also experiencing a really hard financial situation right now. My Dad is the only one who has an income for my family, whilst my mom is unemployed. Money has gotten so tight to the point where my Dad has mentioned to me that he might not even pay for my fees at university. 


I've been pressured for the past year at least, by my dad, that he wants me to move-in with him and for me to leave my mom behind. I have completely kept quiet to him, but still want to live with my mom instead. It's gotten to the point where he has pressured me every single time I see him, and has caused me to feel as if I have no choice in where I live and what I think is best for me. 


He has said things to me that I would never know one's DAD would say to his child... He himself is very stressed, and my grandparents have told me that he might have mental health problems. It's very hard and upsetting to see how he reacts, and what he's become as an adult. He's said things to me such as us "Having a Rift (Conflict)" if I don't follow through with what he wants from me, and in the foreseeable future, I see myself having a fallout with him. Maybe to the point where I might need to take things to higher matters... 


All of this will impact me, as I will not be able to be active next summer. My family is completely supportive of me getting a full-time job next summer. Which is why I won't be able to be on next summer. 


I sincerely apologize to everyone that I haven't notified you about my intentions sooner, and have kept my family life away from everyone online. I've been trying to stay positive, and forget about all of my life problems whilst playing in game. I figured this post would give you an insight to what I'm dealing with, and will hopefully allow for me to stay staffing the community whilst I am away. I apologize to anyone if I have ever caused you any grief, or if we've ever had any beef in game. Just know that I myself, have a super hard life behind me that I've kept secret, and that I do not intend to hurt anyone else's feelings. 


Many people have said "Things will get better soon Musical" and "I'm sorry to hear that", but I'm not exactly sure if things actually will get better at all... I'm just living it day by day, seeing if things actually do improve or not. There is still a HECK OF A LOT of information that I have not included in this, as it is private matter.... 


P.S, I have left "L.O.A = Leave of Absence" in my steam name as a reminder for all staff, and community members that I am absent. Thanks a bunch to everyone who has made GFL Clan a great, memorable, and outstanding community. I am very glad that I was able to get the opportunity of becoming an admin and spreading my love, joy, and appreciation to others players too. 


I am unsure how long I will be absent for. I will be absent for as long as it takes, until things get sorted out. I will try to be active on the forums, but am unsure with how that will turn out. 


Thanks again everyone for everything you've done for me! I love you all! I really appreciate it. 




GFL Clan Hide & Seek Administrator. 

Edited by Musical


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