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Hide and Seek MOTD

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Posted  Edited by Brotherwolf - Edit Reason: Added rule 14 and edited rule 11

Server rules:
1. Do not exploit maps to reach one way or inaccessible spots that would be impossible normally. This includes:
    > Door blocking.
    > Prop blocking with immovable or heavy props (if you can pick up the prop with E it's fine).
    > Abusing the !unstuck command. Remember that as a seeker, you can use the kill command in console.
    > Blocking elevators (like staying on top or bottom of the elevator shafts)


2. Do not Prop Surf/Fly with the intent to tag someone or hide.


3. Do not mic spam. This includes but is not limited to:
    > Soundboards
    > Voice changers
    > Speaking a language that's not English (you can use chat in another language).
    > Playing music through your microphone (use the jukebox instead)
    > Keeping your mic open when you stop talking (because we keep hearing feedback or static).

4. Do not chat spam or send repetitive messages often (chat flooding).

5. Do not disrespect, harass, or target other people on the server. This includes but is not limited to:
    > Impersonation of either an admin or another player.
    > No racial, homophobic slurs or anything that could imply them.

     > No inappropriate jokes (rape, suicide, pedophilia jokes, etc.).


6. Do not advertise other servers or communities. This will result in an permanent ban.


7. Do not hack, script, or exploit. This includes bhop scripting and will result in an permanent ban.

8. Do not spray loud, annoying, or NSFW sprays.
> You can spray music, as long as you mark the spray as a music spray (make sure to hit save AFTERWARDS).


9. Do not avoid being the first seeker. This means do not leave and rejoin the server to get more seekers or avoid being the first seeker. If you were disconnected, say so in chat before joining the seekers so you don't get warned.

10. Do not ghost. This includes but is not limited to:
    > Spectating hiders to tag them on the same or next round.
    > Following someone as hider and switching to seeker to tag them.

11. Do not tryhard as a seeker. If you go out of way to always seek and tag everyone, causing the server population to drop, you will be punished. This means that you would be tagging yourself on the seeker or switching to spectator and then player to go and tag all the other people on the map CONTINUOUSLY.

12. Do not grief your teammates by preventing them from getting to their spots.

13. Do not use offensive Steam Nicknames, avoid usernames that are racist/homophobic/transphobic/derogatory/etc.


14. Do not abuse bugs/exploits found in special rounds. 

Helpful commands:

- !motd Brings up this info board.

- !unstuck Use this command ONLY when you're stuck.

- !3p Allows you to be in third person. Use the same command to go back to first person.

- !tags VIP only. Allows you to change the [GFL VIP] tag to the left of your name in game chat.

- !member Brings you to member application page. It's free. https://gflclan.com/memberapplication/

- !donate Brings you to the donation page. https://gflclan.com/donate/


Feel free to join the HNS discord to ask questions, raise concerns, report and suggest stuff or hang out.


Edited by Brotherwolf
Added rule 14 and edited rule 11

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