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Command Guide

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Posted  Edited by R.Santos


This thread lists all the available public commands on the CS:GO Minigames server, with descriptions of what each of them do.


Commands can be prefixed in chat with ! or / (silent), or with sm_ in the console.




Models/Skins Commands


!gloves - Select which gloves you want to use


!knife - Select which knife you want to use


!ws - Select the weapon skins you want to use 


!models - Choose your custom player model, you can get access to more models by applying for Member and donating

Timer Commands


!b - Start your bonus timer


!r - Start your timer


!stop - Stop your timer


!bend - Teleport to bonus endzone


!bwr - View the bonus leaderboard of a map


!wr - View the leaderboard of a map


!mapsdone - Show maps that a player has finished


!mapsleft - Show maps that a player has not finished


!playtime - Shows your total playtime on the server


!hud - Manage all of your timer hud settings


 !extendsleft - Shows how long the current map has been played, and how many extends have been used


!moresb - Toggle on/off more scoreboard info (Timeleft on left side of the screen)


!recent - View the recent #1 times set


!profile - Show a player profile 


Miscellaneous Commands



!calladmin - Report a player to the admin team for breaking server rules


!cm - List players you have self muted


!comms - Displays any mute/gag punishments you may have active


!music - Toggle map music on/off 


!nextmap - Displays the next map the server will switch to when the time left runs out 


!nominate - Nominate a map to appear on the map vote 


!nomlist - List all the maps that are currently nominated 


!revote - Change your vote in server votes after already casting one 


!rules - List basic server rules, more detail is available in the MOTD 


!searchcmd - Find more specific help on server commands 


!showadmins - List the admins currently online 


!sm - Self mute a player 


!su - Remove a self mute on a player 


!spec - Spectate a player 


!settag - Set your custom chat tag, available to VIP only 


!tags - Manage your tag setup, most features available to VIP only 


!tp - Toggle between first/third person mode


Edited by R.Santos

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