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GFL Member #8059311

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Hey guys, my name is Gumb4ll'98


I just recently joined your servers and I'm having a blast and not a blast at the same time, but that feels pretty standard for high capacity servers on Gmod.

I used to play a lot (and i mean a lot) of LifePunch Jailbreak, i probably have around 1500 hours on their servers before they cucked themselves to death. I'm saying this because i used to help (somewhat) moderate their servers because it was very enjoyable when there wasn't anything bad going on relatively speaking, and i feel like i could offer that same service to these servers as well. I'm not trying to put myself on a pedestal here and try to rank up as fast as i can, but i want to be inclusive since i do care about most of the players on these servers.


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Hello Gumball. Welcome to GFL community. Please apply for membership if you haven't already done so:


Since I seen you on Gmod server, feel free to join the discord if you'd like: 

https://discord.gg/cdPNUkz well some of the servers are separated since they have a huge player count.


credits to @Clavers

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