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dr0ps's TTT Rotation Mute/Ban Appeal

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Name: dr0ps


Steam ID (or steam profile link): STEAM_0:0:60448268


Banned by: 



Ban Reason: low karma


Why should you be unbanned

it wasn't like i was just on the server killing people i had justifiable hunches and i got reported. Like yesterday i killed scorpima and he reported me because i didnt call him out as a T before I killed him although i witnessed him do a traitorous act

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14 minutes ago, dr0ps said:

justifiable hunches

That just sounds like KOSing off of Suspicion with extra steps. You were Karma banned for a day, and Paul unaware of the karma ban placed a "3x RDM/L" ban for 12 hours. Even though if there were three RDM's, you could have been banned a week for mass. 


I don't know exactly what happened this time, but "justifiable hunches" doesn't sound like a good enough reason for me to unban you. 

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I put a ban on for 2x rdm and leave because you shot a barrel in the middle of a group of people and killed 3 of them. one of them forgave you so it was borderline mass rdm and then you left. I didn't realise it was a karma ban at the time so I put a 2x rdm and leave ban on you but I called it 3x rdm and leave so I would remember the situation.


Please don't shoot explosive barrels in the middle of groups when you're innocent.


Im gonna deny is appeal and please try and be more careful.



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