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For this scp, I'm breaking down 204 into its core parts. To be added into the game, 204 needs to follow three rules:


1. It's robot-related.

2. It has to protect the player that spawned it in some way

3. it isn't meant to last for the whole round (it can die/dissapear)


To safisfy these rules, SCP-204 may be added as any of these things:


One of the turrets from portal:


Spawn model will be a smaller version of the turret, without any animations when held in hand.


An npc equipped win a gun that permanently follows the user until death:


(may harm friendlies)


Non-addon options:

Spawns a rollermine, manhack, or a combine soldier that can move freely

Item spawn would be a tool gun. If there's no way to limit the amount of npcs spawned, these ones in particular likely won't work.


SCP-204 may also be a force field grenade.


Item spawns as a grenade.


This one is probably the most balanced/fun/easiest SCP to add in, so this will be the first priority if 204 is added in.



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