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Changes to Opposite Day

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Opposite Day is a pretty fun round. By switching all the TRO that spawn at the beginning of the round to CI, it basically swaps the roles of researchers and D class.

However, I feel like there are a few additions and changes that need to be made here and there to make it truly feel like an "opposite day".

Here are some changes that I believe must be made:


Add a Chaos Insurgency Commander. Probably one of the bad things about the round is that since most of the CI spawns with only level 3 keycards, they have to run around first for a level 4 keycard if they want to help any of the D class to escape.


Add some of the special TRO roles to the CI team. This includes the TRO Medic and the Pyro. This wouldn't be as urgent or game-changing per se, but it would be nice to have to keep consistency.


Replace Dr. Maynard with a "MTF Insurgent" for the Researchers. This would basically function as Dr. Maynard, but would spawn with the D class and side with the MTF team. I believe this would suit the special round since researchers tend to "get the short end of the stick" because one of them could actually be a CI waiting to kill them.


Swap the NTF roles during the round. This would mean that special roles such as Nu-7 or Tau-5 would now be on the CI team. The chances for NTF and CI spawning would be also be reversed, making the CI much more common than MTF. This would make the regular NTF serve as more of the "spy" role. Omega-9 and Serpent's Hand would be unaffected by this.


While I would have suggested other things such as a MTF Spy that spawns with the CI, or a version of SCP-999 that teams with SCPs instead of humans, some of these ideas have already been added to the Trello, so there was no need to suggest them already.

I may have also suggested some of these here on the Discord, but I do believe it still should be mentioned here for consistency.


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