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PR Is Heavily Recruiting!

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Posted  Edited by Worgee

Hello fellow gamers!


The PR-team (Public Relations) are currently looking for more members to help us spread the word of GFL through advertisement.
Being a part of the team will get you assigned to one of the following parts of the PR team:

1. Discord
2. Twitch
3. Youtube
4. Twitter
5. Forums/servers

When you pick a team which you intend to be a part of, then you are not locked to that specific team and we are generally open within the teams you wish to be in.

For each team, you must have an account and for twitch you should say if you wish to stream.

We would like to know the age aswell but won't discrimanate based on it (no worries) it is used as a guidance tool for how to explain stuff and go about things etc.


Along with these things, we are also maintaing a good relationship with the members of the community (which includes you can contact us with any concern and we'll do our best to deal with it).
Another thing is assisting the server managers in checking bans on sourceban to ensure they are dealt with fairly and according to the servers' guidelines etc.

Feel free to contact me or any of the team members if you have any questions regarding this or the team in general.

We can't wait to hear from you
~Worgee and the team

Edited by Worgee


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