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Guess Who?

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Posted  Edited by ZombieSurvivalist

I thought of something with my Chinese and retarded TTT mind we could do like a "What do you like about GFL or who do you like" So tell me 5 people you like on GFL could be any moderator admin or staff. Then tell me 3 things you like about GFL could be servers or the forums or even discord "which is mostly toxic so their is a million things that can be brought up for there" :hahayes: 


My favorite people are 


@Pancake Jenkins



Great people.


Favorite thing about GFL. It really had been a great community for people that maybe not have goof friends in real life and instead can have people to talk on here.

Edited by ZombieSurvivalist


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What do you like about GFL?: Well it isn't a pseudo Nazi-micro gaming state, so that's a start. It's also got a fair few livid people and is nice enough to chat in.

5 Honored gentry:
@Mr. Bones The person who made me stay in this community. I owe who i've met, many friends, laughs and great memories to you. You gave me a time i wouldn't have done doing anything else for.  Seriously, thanks.
@cancerous_cunt You were in the same boat as Bones for me, Glad to see you stuck around to lol.
@Jat The fine gent who got me to apply, literally the sexiest 15 year old alive, I've also been one of the rare few to actually hear his voice, it's worth the wait. ;)
@littleshake An honored and mighty Serbian who smites all who dare oppose her, also really chill.
@Zexired Seriously, mail me a pair of those gravity boots, and i wonder if your circulation is different because you live upside down, better yet let me dissect you :)

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