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Karma Ban Appeal

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Just now I was banned from the GMod TTT Rotation server for having too low of karma. My low karma was due to 1 misunderstanding, 1 accidental rdm, and one defense against an rdm. I accidentally killed a fellow innocent who killed another innocent, not knowing the entirety of the situation I opened fire on that inno. Second was an accidental rdm as a detective when I right clicked with my double barrel shotgun, thinking that I would zoom in, but it turns out it's a second shoot button. Lastly I defended my self against an attempted RDM attempt and was then promptly banned for having too low of karma.
Bare in mind that this all happened within two rounds.
I hope I can come back to play on the server soon.

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The first kill sounds like RDM, as you need to give them a moment to attempt to explain their kill. 


The second kill was straight RDM. 


The third kill was possibly the only one I could understand being an accident.


I'll accept the appeal for now. Hopefully you learn from this. 

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