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LilyShiro's TTT Rotation Mute/Ban Appeal

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Name: mitch


Steam ID (or steam profile link): STEAM_0:1:8115


Banned by: 



Ban Reason: evasion


Why should you be unbanned

tl;dr I knew duck hates my guts beyond belief so my best friend thought it'd be funny to hop onto the server under my VPN and masquerade as me, and when he gets banned for having the equivalent IP as me, we'd both find it hilarious. Now that we're done teasing duck a bit over his intense hatred of me, im here to appeal my ban.



1. You can ping my website on the OpenVPN port and get a correct response -- indicating the VPN server is running, and has actually been running for years. I generally use this almost always.

2. Rabbit always makes his alts have the same avatar, with the same name or something related to the cheat we co-developed. You can find proof here: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/revivalfurryarmy This group has existed for months prior, and the name coincides with the name he was banned on.


3. below are screenshots of us talking about meming.





4. Its fairly well known im technologically savvy and its not extremely unusual for someone who runs their own community/website to also have a private VPN that they use, and give to close friends.



I apologize for teasing duck too far, as it was pretty immature of myself. We just wanted to have a little fun, not take it too far.

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Proof you were banned on this IP on Mitch mains before, imo the ban should stay. Btw I don't hate you, I just don't care for you at all.

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Posted  Edited by LilyShiro

The point I was trying to make, if it wasn't clear (which it might not be, my apologies) is that my IP is 95% of the time under VPN, and my friends also use this VPN, therefore appear as me in terms of IP. This can be seen by looking at IPs under my account Mitch, and notice there is *multiple* random IPs. Notice that the account revival you banned uses the "cat.jpg" avatar that.... rabbit uses on every single alt of his. His IP appears as mine, because he purposely used my VPN, which he's always had access to.


To prove that I've ran a VPN, my server is hosted on ramnode, and here is a ticket I received from my host because a friend pirated stuff (lol i thought my website was about to be deleted, panic mode)




edit: this is a DMCA notice i got for my friend pirating a movie

Edited by LilyShiro

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