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[SourcePawn] Dynamic Game_Text Channels

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Posted  Edited by Vauff

Dynamic Channels provides a native for SourceMod plugins to implement that handles automatic game_text channel assigning based on what channels the current map uses. This means game_text channel conflicts can be completely be avoided when dealing with 6 or less total channels. When going over 6 channels, conflicts are inevitable, however effects are minimized. I created this plugin due to the heavy use of the game_text entity within ZE maps. We would frequently run into issues where a channel that one of our plugins was using (e.g. the entWatch hud) would conflict with something in the map (e.g. a countdown timer). This isn't really a drag/drop and forget about it plugin, it requires server operators to integrate the GetDynamicChannel() native into their plugins that use game_text so the plugin has full information on all the channels used, and can assign other plugins their channels accordingly.


I first started work on the plugin about a year ago and have been slowly refining it since with bug fixes and improvements, including a recent major update to support the hooking of live game_text channel updates via DHooks. I'll probably be posting it on the AlliedModders forums sometime soon if no more issues pop up on the current version.


Full support is currently only available for CS:S and CS:GO, but I can easily add in more games as long as someone can provide me with that games server binaries.


Everything for the plugin as well as some more detailed information is currently available on GitHub.

Edited by Vauff

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