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pipaloski's Prophunt Mute/Ban Appeal

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Your In-Game Name: quer brincar é?

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:93678340

Reason for punishment: "external ghosting"

Admin: TheThirdReaper

Why the punishment show be revoked:

I have no idea why I was banned, I play on your server every day for a long time and I never took a punishment, out of the blue, I start taking teleport for being in "Improper Location" and when the round started, I killed a player that was transforming in front of me. and my friend and I got banned. My friend was alive when it happened, he died, I was already shooting the other guy, and we were banned. I would like an explanation, since we live with ghost all day on the server, and take it easy, players staying more than 15/1 and going straight in the positions, and when I find a player that was LITERALLY moving in front of me , after checking all the other objects on his side, am I banned and my friend goes along?


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Hello quer,

I banned you and your friend due to the fact that I strongly believe that he was giving/telling you prop's positions. As soon as he died as a prop and went to spectate someone else, you immediately killed them. No taunts or anything. I am also able to force on your microphones too.


Here is the evidence I have collected against you and your friend.

Your friend was already dead at this point and began spectating I Don't Care That I'm a Furry!




Then after you killed the player, triplaloski began spectating NathanTheBacon and you went right after him, but someone else got to him first.



This is why I believe you two were externally ghosting. Thank you taking the time to appeal. 

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Well, I checked all the objects when I entered the shed, it is common to look at the basic locations on the map even without a taunt, while Nathan I noticed that there were people shooting there, not to mention that those places are known for bugs. I would like to ask for a second chance for me and my friend, even though I have done nothing .. I believe that these misunderstandings would not happen anymore.


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I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, as my evidence was not as concrete as I had hoped. 


Your appeal has been ACCEPTED. You will be unbanned shortly. 

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