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Whitherford's TTT Rotation Mute/Ban Appeal

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Posted  Edited by Whitherford

Name: Whitherford


Steam ID (or steam profile link): mroutlier


Banned by: Alexis


Ban Reason: They never gave me one


Why should you be unbanned


My brother and I were playing in the server because it’s my favorite server. At some point there was a user who kept saying vulgar and offensive language in the server on voice and I believe it was Alexis, the only admin, who banned them for 2 hours for that. 

Alexis auto slayed my brother and I asked why. Alexis said it was because he RDM’d which he didn’t. We both told Alexis they were abusing their admin powers. The next round Alexis died by a Traitor Trap apparently and then I was banned for a week. Alexis told my brother it was because I let it happen. 

Alexis is bullying players in your server and abusing admin powers with a hot trigger finger.


Edited by Whitherford

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6 minutes ago, Whitherford said:

Name: Whitherford


Steam ID (or steam profile link): mroutlier


Banned by: Alexis


Ban Reason: They never gave me one


Why should you be unbanned


My brother and I were playing in the server because it’s my favorite server. At some point there was a user who kept saying vulgar and offensive language in the server on voice and I believe it was Alexis, the only admin, who banned them for 2 hours for that. 

Alexis auto slayed my brother and I asked why. Alexis said it was because he RDM’d which he didn’t. We both told Alexis they were abusing their admin powers. The next round Alexis died by a Traitor Trap apparently and then I was banned for a week. Alexis told my brother it was because I let it happen. 

Alexis is bullying players in your server and abusing admin powers with a hot trigger finger.


Your friend did RDM, he joined a gunfight which he shouldn't have done and he had to face the consequences. As for the ban, you intentionally watched a Barnacle kill me, and from what you just said clearly knew it was placed and it was a trap and proceeded to act like you didn't know what it was, you even went ahead and just T-Bagged my body because you were upset your brother was slain for RDM, so you intentionally watched me die from the player who put the T-Trap there and instead of saving me as a fellow Innocent, you teamed with a Traitor because you were upset that he was slain. I was given confirmation that it is a banable offense as you intentionally watched me die by a T-Trap which you could of prevented (Teaming) because you were upset at me for slaying someone who clearly RDMed.

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