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Recent Performance Issues + Maintenance This Upcoming Tuesday

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The switch move is completed. We did have more downtime than expected and I apologize for this. But the move occurred earlier in the morning when not as many players were on our servers.


Please see the Discord announcement below for more information.



All servers should be back up. I had to restart the IPIP Direct program I made that sends traffic back to the client directly because it appears the switch move changed the gateway's MAC address (the MAC address is retrieved at the beginning of the program via https://github.com/gamemann/IPIPDirect-TC/blob/master/src/IPIPDirect_loader.c#L46). This was something I wasn't expecting and did result in more downtime until I woke up and was able to restart it.


I apologize for the inconvenience. I've confirmed I'm able to connect to the servers and a VM I have in NJ (which routes through the NYC POP) can retrieve A2S_RULES responses without any issues.


If you're still experiencing issues, please let me know.

Thank you.


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