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How long does it take for ban appeals on gmod ttt to be reviewed

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I moved this from off-topic to TTT anarchy.


I think the best thing to do is to wait until someone can respond.  These are unpaid volunteers a lot of them with very busy lives and possibly living in a different part of the world compared to; they also might be in time zone where it's their sleep time, and so 3-4 hours isn't considered terribly long.  I browsed through a few the other appeals and it looks like they usually respond within a day or two, but I don't think there's a hard rule on it.  Mistakes do happen so apologies if it's unfair and hindering your fun- sorry.  I'm only a forum moderator and cannot offer you more as I have no permissions over the game bans.


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It looks like their appeal was accepted 🙂 some bug causing an issue or something like that.  I thought Anarchy because I saw their appeal there earlier, and so my apologies for the wrong forum category.  I'll lock this thread since their appeal is done.





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