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TTT2: Roles we don't use and why

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Posted  Edited by Cpt.Haxray - Edit Reason: Updated with Accomplice

Hello! We've been getting a lot of questions both ingame and on the discord as of late about "Why don't you add X role!", so I decided to make this thread to answer all of these questions, and to explain in detail why each individual role is not currently used on the server. i will include a short description of each role, as well as mentioning important Convars related to the role if they would drastically change functionality/behavior, and then go indepth as to why the role is not included.  This is starting in the order the TTT2 role collection goes in. Roles not featured in the TTT2 collection will not be included here, due to all of them being summed up as either Buggy or downright terrible without much explaination needed. Additionally, roles already included on the server are being skipped for obvious reasons.


Team: Varies
The Bodyguard is given another player as his Client who he has to try to keep alive. If the Bodyguard's client dies, the Bodyguard will either take a set amount of damage or die instantly (Depending on Convar setting). If the bodyguard doesn't die, he will receive another player as his new Client. He is considered as part of the Client's team, but cannot view other team members. 

Why we dont use:



We actually tried to use Bodyguard a while ago, and added it alongside Pirate to very mixed results. Bodyguard is inherently confusing to play around with, and lead to a lot of issues of accidental team kill due to not being able to see who your client's teammates were. This was especially bad if your Client was a Traitor, as you could easily shoot other Traitors trying to defend your Client. Additionally, a lot of people didn't realize that you couldn't see teammates of your client, and would go on freelance killing sprees regularly after getting assigned to an Evil Role Client.


On-top of this, due to the Bodyguard changing team instantly after their client perishes, it led to a lot of accidental RDM and Karma lost due to what you assumed was 2 Traitors turning out to be 1 Traitor and 1 Bodyguard, and the bodyguard's team happened to switch to Innocent mid-fight.

It also just wasn't particularly fun to play, being essentially Pirate but with no control over who gets your contract, vague rules to follow to avoid messing up, no fellow Pirate Teammates, and being punished for your Client doing something stupid and dying, or worse, them attempting to kill you. Additionally, players thought it felt incredibly weak as a role as well, due to not really having any special abilities or starting buffs. 



Team: Innocent
The Clairvoyant starts with the ability to see on the scoreboard every player who spawned with a special role. A 'Special Role' is any role that isn't the base Innocent, Detective, or Traitor roles. They do not know which role they have, simply that they have one. Additionally, they have the ability to kill the Jester without triggering his winstate, which causes the Jester to instead respawn as the Clairvoyant's Sidekick(Think like Jackal sidekick but on Innocent team and without a shop). 

Why we don't use:



The Clairvoyant is one of the oldest TTT2 roles, and yet we never once considered using it for various major reasons. First and most obviously, this role is incredibly overpowered regardless of how many TTT2 roles are used. While the Clairvoyant isn't told which specific role people are, the simple fact it knows who has a custom role and who doesn't means it can quickly run through the list of players, forcing those with a non-default role to confirm their identity as an Innocent-sided role or get shot. The same issue can also happen in reverse if we ever end up with a lot of custom Innocent roles, where it can run through everyone who DOESN'T have a custom role by teaming up with a Priest and quickly catch all of the Traitors with a default role. 

Additionally, the Clairvoyant's interaction with a Jester is uniquely bad in 2 ways. First, it gives the Jester an incredibly easy win condition if they simply want to join the Innocent team, by simply revealing themselves to the Clairvoyant to get shot. Secondly, if the Jester doesn't want to automatically join the Innocent team due to having some other kind of Win Condition, they could easily be screwed over even if they weren't revealed as the Jester, simply by having the Clairvoyant be the one to kill them.  Basically, the Jester either has the entire point and unique challenge of their role rendered non-existent by the existence of a Clairvoyant, or they have an incredibly difficult and essentially luck based additional challenge slapped onto what is already a hard role if players are being particularly observant, neither of which is good for the health of the role in the long term.



Team: Innocent/Neutral Evil

The Cupid can be either an Innocent or a Neutral Evil role, depending on convar settings. Cupid starts out with Cupid's Crossbow, which they can use to mark 2 players to bind them together. All damage taken by one player is split with the other player. If one player dies, so does the other one 5 seconds later. If set to Innocent, if the Cupid marks 2 players who are originally on opposite teams(For example, an Innocent and a Serial Killer), the 2 players will join a new team called Lovers and are now their own separate Neutral Evil team. (They keep their original roles, similar to how Doppleganger stays on the Doppleganger team, but changes role). If Cupid is set to Neutral Evil, Cupid starts on the Lover's team, and any 2 people he binds together will join the Lover team, regardless of their original teams. 

Why we Don't Use:



Before touching on the conceptual issues with the Cupid role, it is important to mention this role is INCREDIBLY buggy. Cupid used to have the ability to be able to mark himself as one of the lovers instead of only 2 separate people, but this was removed at some point. However, for seemingly no reason at random times when Cupid attempts to mark another player, the game will instead decide he has marked himself. This is a major functionality issue with the role and incredibly frustrating.


Major bug aside, the Cupid role has massive flaws when used as an Innocent role. The effect of binding two players together is already incredibly situational for it to be useful even with the damage split, due to the fact if one player dies so does the other. This would be incredibly annoying and easy to grief with on purpose, but accidental Grief would also be incredibly easy, such as binding 2 players together only for one of them to promptly hit their kill bind. Additionally, while the damage is split between the players, there is no hard damage cap meaning most ways of instantly killing a player will still deal enough damage to instant kill, resulting in the death of both binded players. Examples such as the Awp, the Harpoon, Jihad Explosions, C4 Explosions, Traitor Traps, Scout and Deagle headshots, Ravenous Knife, and several others would quickly result in evil roles getting an easy 2 for 1 kill. 

Due to the above issues, it would also not be fun to be the binded players, especially if it happened against your will, since at any moment you could essentially be given a chat message that you're going to drop dead in the next 5 seconds with nothing you can do about it. This basically encourages the Binded players to go and sit in a corner hiding somewhere, which isn't particularly engaging gameplay. 


On top of the dubious value of its main ability, the Cupid has a very high chance of essentially creating an additional evil player(Or even 2!) by unknowingly(or on purpose if they want to grief) binding an innocent player to an evil or neutral role. This is the exact last thing you want to do when on the Innocent team, and yet the Cupid has to deal with this massive risk for very little value for successfully using its ability, and with no way of knowing that they have messed up and caused a bigger mess for the Innocent team. 


Additionally it has the same issue a lot of other Innocent roles have, in that it doesn't actually add much more for the Cupid player to do after they fire off their bind. They don't get some kind of useful task or tool or gadget that encourages and allows them to take a more active role in how the round plays out, and after using their crossbow(or even before using it), they are essentially the same as a normal Innocent. This isn't particularly great, as the best designed Innocent roles give the Innocent player either something to work towards, or some kind of incredibly useful ability regardless(Such as Survivalist), and this role lacks both of those.

When used as a Neutral Evil role, the Cupid trades dubious usefulness and massive griefing potential for being essentially a worse Jackal. You make 2 sidekicks instead of one, but if one dies so does the other, your sidekicks cannot become a New Cupid/Jackal when you perish, and you have to successfully hit 2 people with your special weapon without being spotted, as the first person shot does not join the Lover team until a second person is shot. While this is still much better than the Innocent variant of this role, it still shares the problem of not being particularly fun to be the binded players. While the interesting potential gimmicks of having multiple roles not normally working together could be fun(Such as a Serial Killer and Jackal),  Doppelganger accomplishes much the same goal while avoiding some of the more major design flaws Cupid has, and doesnt have the massive functionality bug that cripples cupid.

Finally, even if Cupid didn't have the massive functionality bug and the crossbow linking was made more reliable, i don't believe it would be unique enough to justify adding another Neutral Evil to the server when we already have a large amount already. In total, we have the Jackal, Restless, Serial Killer, Infected, Doppelganger and to a lesser extend the Ravenous, which is 6 additional evil teams already available. 




Team: Traitor
A Traitor role who starts with no Credits. They are given a target at the start of the round. Upon successfully killing their target, they obtain a Credit and are given a new target. If they kill a Non-Target, they do not receive any credits and lose their previous target, and will be granted a new one after a variable amount of time. 

Why we Don't use:


The Hitman was intentionally designed, to quote the addon creator directly, to be weaker than the normal Traitor. It was designed for role/class hybrid set-ups where the Traitor shop was filled with intentionally overpowered items as a balancing mechanism, and in these specific set-ups a normal Traitor would never spawn. We previously used this role with the original role set-up as it was wrongly believed the potential of gaining credits faster than normal by getting a spree of Target kills would make it stand out in comparison to the normal Traitor. However in practice the role turned out to not be particularly fun to play, and we ended up replacing it with the Executioner, who has a very similar mechanic but also gains a damage boost against their target. 


Team: Neutral Evil
The Necromancer is on their own team and wishes to kill everyone else. They have access to the Traitor shop by default, and spawn with a special Defib with up to 3 charges depending on the total amount of players(Amount can be adjusted via convars). Using the Defib on a dead body brings them back to life as a Zombie on the Necromancer's team. They are unable to sprint and are forced to walk, and are unable to pick up items or weapons. They start with a Deagle with 7 shots. Upon using up all 7 shots, the zombies automatically die.

Why We Don't Use:



The Necromancer was used originally on the server but didn't stick around long. Even ignoring balancing issues or design problems with its main ability, The Necromancer has a visual clarity issue where the zombies it raises uses the same model as the Infected zombies, making it hard to tell them apart at a glance and causing confusion, especially if both spawned in the same round. 

Outside of visual clarity issues, the Necromancer's main power is incredibly weak. While having access to the Traitor shop is a nice bonus, the main unique defib is incredibly underwelming, considering it has limited charges compared to the Infected who can always turn people they kill into Zombies, and that it takes a sizable amount of time to defib a dead player, which leaves the Necromancer exposed and very obvious, similar to the Mesermist. Ontop of this, the zombies the Necromancer spawn are usually weaker on average than the Infected's zombies, as they can only fire a deagle 7 times before dying and move at an incredibly slow speed. While the potential of landing 7 headshots is there, its rare that it will happen.


Additionally, it is not fun at all to play as one of the Necromancer's zombies. You move slowly, are forced into only using a deagle, and you'll die even if you successfully hit every single shot, which isn't exactly the greatest feeling in the world. It is more frustrating than anything else to be revived as chances are you'll be gunned down before you can even attempt to land a shot. 


Finally, we already have a large amount of Neutral evils, and the Necromancer's incredible similarities to the Infected means it doesnt bring anything new to the server if it would be added outside of a weaker less fun Infected.



Team: Innocent

An innocent role who may or may not(Depending on convar settings) know if they are the Occultist at round start. If their HP falls below a certain amount(Variable depending on Convar Settings), when they die they will be revived shortly afterwards, causing a massive amount of fire to appear around themselves and becoming immune to fire. If the occultist is killed without their HP reaching below the required amount first, they will not respawn.

Why we Don't Use:



The Occultist shares many of the problems that most Innocent respawn roles do, and that's having an incredibly easy to accomplish condition for such a ludicrously powerful effect. Innocents respawning back from the dead is one of the single strongest effects you could give the innocent team, due to allowing both to instantly figure out the killer's identity, force the evil roles to have to kill you all over again, adds an instantly proven teammate to the Inno team, and the potential scouting power the person did while dead. For the power level of the respawn ability, the fact all the occultist has to do is "don't get headshotted or awped lmao" to get this respawn is way too easy.

Additionally, you can cheese this role incredibly easy. Since you respawn no matter what after hitting the required health total, you could always injure yourself to said total to guarantee a respawn with no real counterplay to it for evil roles outside of "Save him for last". 


Additionally, the respawn resulting in a giant fire explosion means it'll be also super easy to accidentally team kill other innocents who just happened to be too close to your respawn point.


Team: Innocent
A Detective replacer role. The Sherrif does not start with a DNA scanner like the normal Detective, but instead has access to a Deputy Deagle. The Deputy Deagle acts much like the Jackal's sidekick deagle, converting anyone shot into a Deputy. A deputy does not have access to the D shop and is simply a proven innocent. If the Sherrif dies, so does the Deputy.

Why we dont use:


Essentially this is a Innocent role with a D shop that has access to a free instant kill of their choice on any evil role they desire, and even better than an instant kill, it also adds them to their own team! Not to mention deals with those pesky Markers and Jesters. Incredibly powerful, ontop of the fact that if the person shot was a Traitor or Sidekick, they now have the ability to Rat out all of their former teammates, essentially instantly discovering the vast majority of the T team or the main Jackal.


Additionally, it is REALLY not fun to lose your round as a Neutral evil or Traitor due to the Sherriff randomly deciding to shoot you with his magic Deputy deagle, turning you into what is essentially a normal Innocent who will die if the original Sherriff dying. Dying due to means out of your control is not fun, and being the Deputy is essentially playing as a crippled version of the normal Innocent, which is already boring enough for a lot of people, ESPECIALLY when you lost your more exciting role for this. 


Team: Innocent

An innocent who upon being killed, haunts their killer. Their killer is surrounded in black smoke, and if their killer is killed, they respawn with 50 HP. This effect can trigger an infinite amount of times.


Why we Dont use:


This is flat out the single most overpowered Innocent respawn role available for TTT2 currently. Not only is there no conditions to triggering the effect outside of being killed, the effect can trigger multiple times, AND your killer is instantly surrounded by super obvious black smoke marking them as your murderer, meaning they are essentially permanently called out even if you didn't get a word out before you die. Additionally, you're freely able to spectate around while dead and can gather information on all of the other evil roles from the dead players or what you witness due to the extended period of time you have. 


Team: Innocent

The Trapper is able to view and use Traitor traps. Additionally, they get a screen notification whenever a Traitor Trap is activated.

Why We Dont Use:



At one point we did try out the Trapper for use, as it seemed like a cool role and could have some unique tactics to take advantage of Traitor traps against the Traitors or other evil roles. However, the Trapper has one major design flaw, and that is any map featuring a T room. All the Trapper has to do is camp inside a T room if there is no non-Traitor evils left, and they will instantly win due to no one else being able to reach them. The only ways to prevent this would to be either never feature a map that has a Traitor exclusive room(Which drastically limits map options), or give all evil roles access to Traitor traps which would be another entire bag of worms.


Additionally, even with the ability to view T traps being activated, they don't actually get to do much during a round to take an active role outside of being able to search T rooms, causing them to not really offer much more than the normal Innocent. The worst part of Innocent is the feeling of just sitting around waiting to die, and Trapper does nothing to solve that problem while not really offering a strong power(outside of the above abuse case). 




Team: Innocent
A detective replacing Innocent role. Every time they kill a traitor or enemy neutral role, they gain a stacking damage multiplier. However, if they kill another Innocent player or anyone else on their team, they lose part of their damage multiplier. 

Why we Dont use:



Honestly its just because this role is incredibly boring, even compared to Survivalist. Its a detective who trades away his DNA scanner for a stacking damage multiplier. Its not particularly fun to play against either as an Evil role, as if the Vigilante starts snowballing out of control its going to be incredibly difficult to stop him or do anything about it outside of a lucky long distance headshot, Explosion, or Awp/Harpoon. 


Additionally, since it only counts if the Vigilante gets the killing blow on the evil role, this encourages the Vigilante to get incredibly pissed off if someone "Steals his Kill' attempting to help him, which is likely to cause arguments and other problems. Not to mention how any RDMer is easily going to screw over the Vigilante's damage multiplier.


Finally, The Vigilante loses access to the DNA scanner, meaning they lose out on having more of an active role during the round, and instead are forced to take a more passive role like a normal innocent, which isn't particularly fun. 



Team: Innocent

Every time an innocent player is confirmed Dead, the Beacon gains a stacking buff to their movement speed, maximum stamina, Stamina Regeneration, Jump Height, Damage Resistance, Health Regeneration, fire rate, and damage output, as well as obtaining armor points. After reaching 5 stacks, they literally light up, being confirmed as a Beacon both on the scoreboard, and due to glowing a bright white in the darkness. If the Beacon mistakenly kills an Innocent, they suffer health damage and are transformed into a normal innocent, losing all of their buffs.

Why we Dont use:



We had the Beacon at one point, and it was a mess. The Sheer amount of stats and stat types the Beacon gets for what is essentially doing nothing is ludicrous, and the Beacon always either snowballed out of control, or gained stats so slowly they were never really a threat. There is several convar options to mess around with, from how many stats they get of each type, to how many stacks they need to reveal themselves, to if the bodies even need to be ided in the first place or if they just get it flat out whenever a body is IDed, to even just flat out gaining stacks overtime even if no one is confirmed as Dead, but none of these helps to solve the base issue of the Beacon basically just being an innocent who increases in power over time.


The Beacon also shares the problem a lot of Innocent roles do, where it doesn't really do anything to encourage you to take a more active role in the round, or give you some kind of task to do or focus on. You're just a normal Innocent who starts getting large stat boosts as the round goes on and who gets automatically confirmed at a certain point. Its not particularly interesting to play outside of the occasional power trip, and losing your role to become a normal Innocent due to accidental crossfire sucks even more.



Team: Traitor

The Vampire does not have access to a Traitor shop. Instead, they have a Bloodlust meter. When this Bloodlust meter empties out, they start to lose health, but any damage inflicted onto another player heals the Vampire and grants them additional max health. Killing another player instantly refills the bloodlust meter. Additionally, they can bind a key in the keybinds section of TTT2's menu to transform into a bat giving them the ability to fly around the map at high speeds, at the cost of instantly empting the bloodlust meter.

Why we Dont use:



We used the vampire once. it is INCREDIBLY overpowered. The massive amounts of speed and mobility granted to the vampire is insane, allowing them to cross even the largest maps within seconds, and are nearly impossible to hit while in bat mode. Additionally, the health loss during bloodlust is not at all a problem due to the massive amounts of health the vampire quickly obtains(even being able to overheal to up to 250 by default). The ability to instantly trigger bloodlust at any point to benefit from the health increase by simply toggling bat form on and off is just the icing on the cake. 


Ontop of all of the balance concerns, the role is incredibly unintuitive to new players, due to the Bat transformation not having a key binded to it by default, forcing you to manually bind a key. If you did not already know about the key binds section of the TTT2 F2 menu that allowed you to bind a key, you would likely never figure out how to transform into a bat on your own without doing some research or asking people. This is incredibly poor design, and would have been easily solved by binding Bat Transformation to the shop key by default. 

Finally, the Bat Form lacks animations of any sort, being a Completely A-posing/Tposing bat that glides around. It also constantly makes loud Pigeon noises which is both annoying and incredibly unfitting. And ontop of all this, The Bat controls awkwardly even while getting around the map fast, feeling more like you're piloting an out of control airship than having any real control over exact details of movement. 



Team: None
A neutral role. The Medic is unable to win the round in any way, shape or form. They are friendly to all players regardless of team, and spawn with Medi-gun and a Defibulator with infinite uses. If the Medic kills another player, they become a Normal Innocent and now wins with the Innocent team. If a Medic kills another Medic, they will transform into a Traitor and now win with the Traitor team. Additionally, if someone kills a Medic it is broadcast to all players the identity of the killer and their role.

Why we Dont use:



A role where you cannot win no matter what you do is not fun to play. Regardless on if you take a side or help everyone, none of it matters in the end as you cannot win with the winning team. Essentially, you always lose whenever you are the medic. 

Changing the Medic to be sided to a specific team does not help either, as they offer two incredibly powerful abilities. Ignoring the fact shifting them to either the Inno team or the Traitor team is directly modifying the role and not a normal option of the role, the fact they have an infinite healing device that can also trigger an ubercharge to make both the Medic and their person of choice invincible for a short period of time, and a defibrillator that allows them to revive dead players as their original role that also has infinite uses renders them a gamebreaking addition to either team.

Additionally, the fact the Medic is basically encouraged to either murder other Medics on sight or to murder a random person in order to join the Innocent team is incredibly backwards, and will inevitably lead to a lot of problems and confusion, especially when the Medic kills an innocent only to become an Innocent shortly after. 



Team: Innocent/Traitor

The Wrath spawns as an innocent who is not informed they are the Wrath. If they are killed by another member of the Innocent team, they revive shortly after death as a normal Traitor.

Why we Don't Use:



We used to have this role and it was among one of the first roles added to the server. The main reason this role stopped being used was due to a massive crash issue it was causing after a TTT2 update, rendering it essentially unusable.


Outside of the Crash issue, this role was never particularly interesting, with people who getting it rarely ever finding out, due to the conditions being, essentially, "get teamkilled by crossfire or some kind of Griefer". Due to respawning at their body, they usually get shot on sight after respawning due to being outed as a T automatically if their body was IDed before they respawned. 

Additionally, this role led to the weird situation where if you found out about your role ahead of time(such as from a Mimic copying you), you would be essentially encouraged to, as an innocent who wins with the Innocent team, to attempt to get Innocents to kill you, much like a Jester but with Karma Penalties. This felt incredibly backwards and would cause just plain weird situations, and not in the good way.



Team: Traitor
The Blight behaves identical to a Default Traitor, until they are killed. Upon being killed, their killer is inflicted with a damage over time that can reduce their HP down to 1 but will never kill them.


Why we Dont use:


We used this for a short period of time, and removed it quickly. The Blight basically has no effect on the gameplay of the person playing as it, due to essentially just being a normal Traitor with a cool name. Additionally, the damage over time effect being unable to kill players is incredibly weak, but buffing it to allow it to kill players just makes it incredibly frustrating and unfun to fight, due to being essentially punished for killing a Traitor/playing the game with no actual counterplay or way to avoid it. 



Team: Innocent

The Medium is able to see chat messages of dead players. However, the messages are scrambled, with random words replaced with other words, a chance for the message to be displayed in the completely wrong order, or for random player usernames to be inserted into messages, among other things. 

Why we Dont use:



This role is either incredibly overpowered or completely useless, with no inbetween. Either the Information is scrambled enough that it is impossible to obtain anything useful from the dead players, resulting in this role being just an Innocent who has to put up with chat spam, or the Information is possible to figure out eventually resulting in a player who can easily find out the identities of every single Evil role by essentially getting ghosted to by the dead chat with no restrictions.


Outside of being impossible to Balance, the Medium is not fun to play against, and not particularly fun to play as either, due to not really offering any kind of actual goal or incentive to be active during a round, and infact does the opposite, encouraging the medium to sit in a corner and Camp while letting Dead chat inform them on who is dead and who is evil and forwarding this information to the other living players. 



Team: Innocent

The Banker is a Detective replacing role. The Banker receives all credits that other roles spend in the shop. The Banker does not have a shop themselves, but is able to transfer their credits to whoever they wish. The Banker suffers a penalty to maximum stamina and also take increased damage. When the Banker is killed, all players are informed that the Banker has died, and that they have killed themselves, even if they were murdered by another player.

Why we Dont use:



The Banker role is incredibly overpowered, being essentially a walking Credit Printer for Detectives, Survivalists, and Spies alike. The constant influx of credits easily allows these other roles to obtain massive amounts of shop items, as well as being a way to easily find out when the Evil roles are purchasing shop items, giving advanced warning they are planning something.


Additionally, while the Banker is incredibly overpowered when supporting other Innocent roles that feature shops, the Banker itself is incredibly unfun to play. For the Banker player, all they do is walk around and transfer credits to other players while being given multiple Debuffs to Movement speed as well as taking more damage. They are essentially weaker than a normal Innocent while having a massive target on their heads due to the potential credit bounty for the evil roles and the ability to prevent you from sending additional credits to the other Innocents. This encourages you to sit in a corner and hide the entire game while transfering credits, which is not a particularly fun experience.


Finally, Traitors and other roles being unable to kill the Banker without the entire server being informed makes any kind of sneaky take down on the Banker essentially impossible, which is not a particularly fun mechanic. 



Team: Traitor

The Accomplice is similar to a default Traitor, but with several weaknesses. They are not told who are the other Traitors on their team(Ableit other Traitors are aware the Accomplice is on their team) and they cannot access the Traitor shop. They start with access to a radar that shows the location of all dead bodies, similar to Amnesiac. Additionally, the Accomplice is unable to win if they are the last Traitor alive, and the round will end regardless if they're still alive or not if all other evil roles are killed.


Why we dont use:


Literally just a normal Traitor but weaker in every way and with restrictions bound to cause rampant amounts of accidental teamkill just like Bodyguard here. Not much to explain here this role is terrible in every single possible way, and used to be incredibly buggy as well.


Edited by Cpt.Haxray
Updated with Accomplice

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Very interesting to read, considering I haven't been here for the longest time like others. I didn't know most of these even existed! 

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