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Imposter Role Feedback Thread

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Heyo! This is a thread dedicated to feedback on the still in-progress Imposter role that we are doing a public test for! Please leave any and all feedback here.


Known Issues:

-Dead chat muted by Comms Sabotage(working on fix currently)

- Radio chat bypassing Comms mute

-Imposter Team kill(working on Fix)

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1 minute ago, Coomi said:

annoying to play against. comms stuff is also very annoying, kinda want yall to remove it


Tho i feel like its kinda hard (and like not clear at all) how to actually do the sabotages, especially making sabo stations, like its not clear and barely works, that is what i want fixed mostly.

11 minutes ago, Mangost said:


Tho i feel like its kinda hard (and like not clear at all) how to actually do the sabotages, especially making sabo stations, like its not clear and barely works, that is what i want fixed mostly.

same thing with the vents, im not sure how to actually use them when i place it.

professional necromancer

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https://github.com/AaronMcKenney/ttt2-role_impo/blob/master/lua/terrortown/autorun/shared/sh_impo_convars.lua List of convars for reference.

Increase insta kill range, no idea why people thinks decreasing it makes it consistent.

Play around with 1-2 more vents, I wanna see more interesting usage.

Dmg needs to be increased, 50% sounds stupid, make it slightly better at dmg compared to anmesatic.

Fuck comms, 30 sec or less.

Ratio needed to hold stations need to be decreased, see comms.

No one uses reactor, probably because EVERYONE USES COMMS.

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12 minutes ago, Jitter said:

i have no idea how it plays but looking at the description in the announcement it looks like cancer

Actually, It's quite fun & unique



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Posted  Edited by MirNichtLeid

the drowning effect is kinda op as it literally starts killing everyone and the mute function (imo) should just mute chat and not all game volume. i think in its current for it can stay but some changes would be nice

Edit: quite buggy. in the last 3 times ive used it the insta kill hasnt worked and the last 2 times the sabotage hasnt worked. so tbh id be happy to see it go until the bugs are sorted


Edited by MirNichtLeid

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The imposter role breaks on kakariko  Village, because of the box between the two maps the tower spawns in that so no one can fix it, meaning everyone without a healing ability gets put down to 40 health cause of the oxygen sabotage.

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Fixing sabotage (at least lights) is very confusing, comms sabotage is very annoying and causes people to think their game is bugged, and its confusing to use as there are no instructions of how to use sabotage or vents. Possible solutions for these are showing text to everyone when sabotage goes off saying what the sabotage is and how you fix it, putting the whole sabotage menu where the t shop would be, and giving instructions at the bottom of the screen for using vent tool when you have it out.


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3 hours ago, Coomi said:

annoying to play against. comms stuff is also very annoying, kinda want yall to remove it

I feel like if people really wanted to get rid of comms, (Voice chat is muted and so is the game chat). Maybe replace it with, everybody has their ID removed, even the dead during the process. This way everyone can commute, but cannot call someone out on their name and cannot ID bodies. 
I also think the world wide damage should be removed, or at least for their fellow T's, show they are being hurt without actually hurting them. 

Best of the uwu's

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Things I like

  • Unique in terms of gameplay style, the tasks are extremely disruptive, create interesting huddles of people that are fun to exploit and shift the meta around. This includes more stuff for the innocent to do as well.
  • Support classes are interesting and unique and could be different in TTT.

Things I dislike;

  • Instant kills are confusing as hella and everybody thinks they got slayed because it looks just completely random suicide
  • The tasks are really long and take a ton of people

Things I would change

  • Less people required for tasks
  • Make it so that instant kills are trackeable, it feels very beta (which it is in truth), and has been frustrating for gamers.


      I actually haven't played as impostor yet, at all, so I don't have thoughts about playing it, this is just as a player with the role.

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I feel like the instant kill is good, but I feel like it falls into a similar scenario to mimic at times, where they shoot everything, I wish It worked better as an attack, and most of the sabotages are buggy or op.


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I think this role is great, and that we should keep it. a lot less amongus jokes since we added it. coincidence? also, its fun to play and sometimes makes people quiet which is easier to admin and kill.

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The imposter role is hard to play against, I feel like the disabling communications part should force it to be local chat like how it would be on a dark RP sever rather than completely blocking out all ability to talk outside of the context menu (though it is a nice touch, if done purposely)

I have only played a few times as the imposter and the area for the eat kill method is that it felt too hard to eat the selected target which made it hard for me to use, but since its TTT I do agree it feels out of place.

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CURRENT OPINION as of 17/5/21 on the Imposter role:


The Imposter role, in my opinion, is a welcomed addition to the previous roles already added into the TTT Anarchy server.


Pros :

Really fun to play as or against, with its unique array of abilities and scenarios it can play out.

Close quarters instant-killing is now an alibi for a priest dying due to a priest holy-deagling someone.

Vents are a unique mechanic that help the role out a lot if used properly.

The role is not overpowered, as the damage output balances out its advantages.

Sabotages are really chaotic and fun, which fits really well with anarchy.



60 seconds for voice chat to be off is a bit ridiculous, I would turn it to something around 30-45 seconds and not have it mute in-game sounds.

(I have no other complaints then that lights and O2 are obnoxious, however, that is their intended purpose lol)


KEEP with very slight changes



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I don't like this role at all it's really annoying you can use it to f*** over your teammates you can use it to f*** over the entire game you can just cut off are twice and drown the entire game I don't think it was funny to add I think it was a waste of time and energy this is try not among us so I don't see a point in treating it like it and trying to mold our game into something it's not

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Posted  Edited by kit848

I don't think the role is fun to play as or against. The insta-kill is both overpowered and impossible to play against, and is super finnicky to use, as it doesn't always go off when you use it. When you die to an insta-kill it's confusing and feels cheap as you can't do anything about it like you can a gun fight or anything else we have in the game, so it's just boring.


Then the tasks are nothing but obnoxious as all hell, it takes too long and too many people to end them, and the effects add nothing to the game, it just screw everyone in the game over and the whole game turn from TTT into "come to the task pylon for your minutely ball busting, dear". No role should be allowed to affect the whole server multiple times around for 0 cost.


If you want to keep it in the game, I think some ideas would be:

-Rework the tasks: O2 doesn't affect Ts and causes less damage overall, Ts can see when the lights are out for innos, completely remove the comms task, and reduce the number of people needed to end a task.


-Put the tasks in a credit shop like Ts, Detects and Survs have, making them pay for the disruption.


-Have the instant kill as a weapon or device that the Imposter must pull out, so people could potentially see it and avoid it.


-The vent should be made easier to use.


-Remove the damage decrease.


Edit: Or, if possible. When the comms go out, allow people to talk in voice locally.

Edited by kit848

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