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Senior Moderator for Division Discords

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We're going to go live with this idea.


We will be extending the flow that has been working well for CWRP Discord to the rest of our Discord Teams, and so I would like to announce our “go to” Senior Moderator for each Division Discord:


Main and Forums – No changes
GMOD – @Alexis#3456 and @Lonely#5970 
TF2 – @Dragoon#0975 
CWRP – @Shuruia#0730 


The purpose of this change is to increase Senior Moderator influence and clear the chain of command underneath the Moderation Team Leader.  Previously: Each Senior Moderator had equally broad but limited influence across all of the Discords, and it was confusing who to follow if there were any disagreement.  Please follow the chain of command starting with recommendations from the correct division Senior Moderator.


Senior Moderators could always comment on bans and vote on applications, but now they can have higher influence on which applications are accepted or denied.  Senior Moderators do not have access to Admin Control Panel (ACP).  This means that even if they would like to promote someone on their team or feel the need to demote someone, that it still has to go through a Moderation Team Leader for the final say.


A quick reminder: We do not want any Senior Moderators to be deviating from the foundation guidelines we have spelled out.  Say for instance a Senior Moderator tells you that spamming the N-word is suddenly okay in their Discord.  No.  That is not okay, and so please go to the Moderation Team Leader if it’s obviously not aligned with the baseline guidelines.  We’re just trying to give a little more control over the gray area wiggle room stuff, which will better align with the culture for each Division's Discord.


Most current Senior Moderators have Discord Mod in (almost) all of the Discords.  We plan to keep that as-is for current team members, but future Senior Moderators will not.




As a side note that was not included in the Discord announcement:  I will acknowledge or give credit to @Harakoni in CWRP followed by @Shuruia excellent leadership there as well.  They have proven that it's a reasonably good system, and so thank you.  @Salad recommended the idea followed by @Ben, and I also agree with the idea too having recommended it on a separate occasion.  This has led us to believe that this will be a good update for our Discord teams.  Thank you!


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