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3 role sugestions

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roles i would like to see added

1 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2645359788&searchtext=ttt+roles Imitator

the imitator i would like to see because it adds another layer of you cant turst "im proven" and it if yall add them it gets rid of people being able to clame inno from buying an p90 or ump


2 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2655669444&searchtext=TTT+ROLES ROIDER

i would like this because it will stop people thinking someone is a jester just because they are not taking damage from their bullets


3 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2652339426&searchtext=TTT+ROLES PURE

this one is a good role because it will cause people to be more careful about killing

Sapphire Flame

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Imitator looks pretty good, it looks like a mix between an undecided and a doppel that is put on the traitor team. Other 2 I don't like as much. Roider I don't like because it just seems to restrict your weapons more and you get nothing to compensate (you can say the damage buff does, but I don't think its enough), and also a lot of people just kill jesters for no reason. The pure seems like a very dumb idea, its just "evil roles get punished for doing their job."
So I would like to see the imitator added as a replacement for doppel, and the rest I think shouldn't be added.


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Roider sounds cool as a concept, but it being limited to melee-only in a game with guns would not be very fun to play as. You could indeed pretend to be a Jester, but then people will start trying to prove you as a Roider by seeing if your crowbar is able to deal damage, which sort of makes the role useless. There's also a bug with the Roider where it sets all damage you deal to your crowbar damage if your crowbar is held out, which has big potential for abuse.


Pure is not fun both to play as and against. As the Pure, you're encouraged to stay away from conflict and do nothing for the Innocent team, acting as nothing more than a walkling hazard for evil roles trying to accomplish their goal. The role also gives your killer 20 seconds of being blinded. For comparison, the Blind minigame only lasts for around 8 seconds. This could also be abused as the Pure could intentionally die to a traitor trap or item to blind whoever set it up, then the Innocents could figure out whoever was blinded to find who the Traitor is.


Imitator is probably the most balanced and interesting to play as out of these roles, and will be under consideration.

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Adding on to the roider idea, if the crowbar only did 35 damage (which can be done using convars), but also can use guns as a normal traitor does, then it would be much better of a role imo. Also, fix the crowbar-incend glitch before adding if someone DOES make this.


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I agree with neon/Gh0st, imitator has a lot of potential for unique plays and seems pretty fun however roider just wont work. as gh0st said, being limited to melee in a gun game (without either insanely high damage/extra health like rav) is just way too weak and pure is just bad game design.

professional necromancer

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