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Update to sponsorship on Discord Moderator applications

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Discord Moderator has minimum requirements (posted here), which not every talented individual may have met yet.  We're okay with people who have showcase their talent or good behaviour by other means that could be less visible to us, and so we allow for sponsorship to override those requirements ie. If i had 43 messages and the requirement is 1000, then I can ask someone to sponsor me so that I can apply anyways.


Previously: The only people who could sponsor was Senior Moderator+ not including Server Managers.  We've decided to change it so that relevant Server Managers can sponsor applicants who would be a good fit for the Discords they are on.  Relevant Server Manager means they are a Server Manager for a game that is covered by the Discord that is being applied for.  Sponsorship does not guarantee a spot on the team, but it gives some hidden gems an opportunity to have their application looked at.  We've accepted quite a few people who were sponsored... they've all been doing an excellent job, and so we would like to expand this opportunity 🙂


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