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List of sm_ Commands on GFL's Surf Servers

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Posted  Edited by Dini

I, @ItzTropicalx, with the help of both @Infra and @Dini, have taken the liberty to start a forum post that labels all of the usable sm_ on our Surf Timer servers!
Feel free to use this list to better understand all of our commands!
Please note that any command that has the prefix "sm_" is able to be used as a slash "/command" or exclamation mark "!command" in game text chat!

As time goes on, this forum thread may be updated to include new commands introduced at a later date, if there are any at all.

The following list was provided to me straight from the SurfTimer source code. All I have done is removed the extraneous text from around the commands.



sm_usp "[surftimer] spawns a usp silencer"
sm_glock "[surftimer] spawns a glock"
sm_avg "[surftimer] prints in chat the average time of the current map"
sm_hidechat "[surftimer] hides your ingame chat"
sm_hideweapon "[surftimer] hides your weapon model"
sm_disarm "[surftimer] hides your weapon model"
sm_goto "[surftimer] teleports you to a selected player"
sm_sound "[surftimer] on/off quake sounds"
sm_bhop "[surftimer] on/off autobhop"
sm_flashlight "[surftimer] on/off flashlight"
sm_maptop "[surftimer] displays local map top for a given map"
sm_wr "[surftimer] prints records wr in chat"
sm_wrb "[surftimer] prints records wrb in chat"
sm_spec "[surftimer] chooses a player who you want to spectate and switch you to spectators"
sm_watch "[surftimer] chooses a player who you want to spectate and switch you to spectators"
sm_spectate "[surftimer] chooses a player who you want to spectate and switch you to spectators"
sm_helpmenu "[surftimer] help menu which displays all SurfTimer commands"
sm_help "[surftimer] help menu which displays all SurfTimer commands"
sm_profile "[surftimer] opens a player profile"
sm_options "[surftimer] opens options menu"
sm_top "[surftimer] displays top rankings (Top 100 Players, Top 50 overall"
sm_topsurfers "[surftimer] displays top rankings (Top 100 Players, Top 50 overall"
sm_bonustop "[surftimer] displays top rankings of the bonus"
sm_btop "[surftimer] displays top rankings of the bonus"
sm_stop "[surftimer] stops your timer"
sm_ranks "[surftimer] Displays a menu with available player ranks"
sm_pause "[surftimer] on/off pause (timer on hold and movement frozen"
sm_latest "[surftimer] shows latest map records"
sm_rr "[surftimer] shows latest map records"
sm_rb "[surftimer] shows latest map records"
sm_hide "[surftimer] on/off - hides other players"
sm_togglecheckpoints "[surftimer] on/off - Enable player checkpoints"
sm_nc "[surftimer] Player noclip on/off"
sm_hud "[SurfTimer] Opens the Advanced HUD options menu."
sm_advhud "[SurfTimer] Opens the Advanced HUD options menu."
Teleportation Commands  
sm_stages "[surftimer] Opens up the stage selector"
sm_r "[surftimer] Teleports player back to the start"
sm_restart "[surftimer] Teleports player back to the start"
sm_start "[surftimer] Teleports player back to the start"
sm_b "[surftimer] Teleports player to the start of a bonus"
sm_bonus "[surftimer] Teleports player to the start of a bonus"
sm_bonuses "[surftimer] Displays a list of bonuses in current map"
sm_s "[surftimer] Teleports player to the selected stage"
sm_stage "[surftimer] Teleports player to the selected stage"
sm_end "[surftimer] Teleports player to the end zone"
sm_tier "[surftimer] Prints information on the current map"
sm_maptier "[surftimer] Prints information on the current map"
sm_mapinfo "[surftimer] Prints information on the current map"
sm_m "[surftimer] Prints information on the current map"
sm_difficulty "[surftimer] Prints information on the current map"
Teleport to the start of the stage  
sm_stuck "[surftimer] Teleports player back to the start of the stage"
sm_back "[surftimer] Teleports player back to the start of the stage"
sm_rs "[surftimer] Teleports player back to the start of the stage"
sm_play "[surftimer] Teleports player back to the start"
sm_spawn "[surftimer] Teleports player back to the start"
Player Checkpoints  
sm_teleport "[surftimer] Teleports player to his last checkpoint"
sm_tele "[surftimer] Teleports player to his last checkpoint"
sm_prac "[surftimer] Teleports player to his last checkpoint"
sm_practice "[surftimer] Teleports player to his last checkpoint"
sm_loadloc "[surftimer] Teleports player to his last checkpoint"
sm_cp "[surftimer] Creates a checkpoint, where the player can teleport back to"
sm_checkpoint "[surftimer] Creates a checkpoint, where the player can teleport back to"
sm_saveloc "[surftimer] Creates a checkpoint, where the player can teleport back to"
sm_savelocs Command_SaveLocList
sm_loclist Command_SaveLocList
sm_normal "[surftimer] Switches player back to normal mode."
sm_n "[surftimer] Switches player back to normal mode."
Record Time Commands  
sm_wrcp "[surftimer] displays stage times for map"
sm_wrcps "[surftimer] displays stage times for map"
sm_srcp "[surftimer] displays stage times for map"
sm_srcps "[surftimer] displays stage times for map"
QOL Commands  
sm_mtop "[surftimer] displays local map top for a given map"
Map Rank Commands  
sm_mrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players map record in chat."
sm_swmrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players SW map record in chat."
sm_hswmrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players HSW map record in chat."
sm_bwmrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players BW map record in chat."
sm_lgmrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players LG map record in chat."
sm_smmrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players SM map record in chat."
sm_ffmrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players FF map record in chat."
sm_fsmrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players FS map record in chat."
Bonus Rank Commands  
sm_brank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players bonus record in chat."
sm_swbrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players SW bonus record in chat."
sm_hswbrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players HSW bonus record in chat."
sm_bwbrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players BW bonus record in chat."
sm_lgbrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players LG bonus record in chat."
sm_smbrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players SM bonus record in chat."
sm_ffbrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players FF bonus record in chat."
sm_fsbrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players FS bonus record in chat."
Server Rank Commands  
sm_rank "[surftimer] Displays a players server rank in the chat"
sm_swrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players SW server rank in the chat"
sm_hswrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players HSW server rank in the chat"
sm_bwrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players BW server rank in the chat"
sm_lgrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players LG server rank in the chat"
sm_smrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players SM server rank in the chat"
sm_ffrank "[SurfTimer] Displays a players FF server rank in the chat"
Miscellaneous Commands  
sm_pr "[surftimer] Displays pr menu to client"
sm_prinfo "[surftimer] Displays pr menu to client"
sm_togglemapfinish "[surftimer] Toggles whether a player will finish a map when entering the end zone."
sm_tmf "[SurfTimer] Toggles whether a player will finish a map when entering the end zone."
sm_repeat "[surftimer] Toggles whether a player will keep repeating the same stage."
sm_mi "[surftimer] opens map improvement points panel for map"
sm_specbot "[surftimer] Spectate the map bot"
sm_specbotbonus "[surftimer] Spectate the bonus bot"
sm_specbotb "[surftimer] Spectate the bonus bot"
sm_showzones "[surftimer] Clients can toggle whether zones are visible for them"
Style Commands  
sm_style "[surftimer] open style select menu."
sm_styles "[surftimer] open style select menu."
sm_sw "[SurfTimer] Sets style to Sideways."
sm_hsw "[SurfTimer] Sets style to Half-Sideways."
sm_bw "[SurfTimer] Sets style to Backwards."
sm_lg "[SurfTimer] Sets style to Low Gravity."
sm_lowgravity "[SurfTimer] Sets style to Low Gravity."
sm_slowmotion "[SurfTimer] Sets style to Slow Motion."
sm_slowmo "[SurfTimer] Sets style to Slow Motion."
sm_ffw "[SurfTimer] Sets style to Fast Forward."
sm_fastforward "[SurfTimer] Sets style to Fast Forward."
Start Position Commands  
sm_startpos "[surftimer] Saves current location as new !r spawn."
sm_resetstartpos "[surftimer] Removes custom !r spawn."
sm_setspawn "[surftimer] Saves current location as new !r spawn."
sm_ss "[surftimer] Saves current location as new !r spawn."
Discord Help Commands  
sm_bug "[surftimer] report a bug to our discord"
sm_calladmin "[surftimer] sends a message to the staff through discord"
Comparison Commands  
sm_cpr "[surftimer] Compare clients time to another clients time"
Replay Commands  
sm_replay "[surftimer] Set the replay bot to replay a run"
sm_replays "[surftimer] Set the replay bot to replay a run"
Setting Commands  
sm_pre "[surftimer] [settings] Toggles prestrafe messages for player"
sm_prestrafe "[surftimer] [settings] Toggles prestrafe messages for player"
sm_silentspec "[surftimer] [settings] Toggles silent spectate for player"
sm_sspec "[surftimer] [settings] Toggles silent spectate for player"
sm_togglewrcps "[surftimer] [settings] on/off - Enable player checkpoints"
sm_togglecps "[surftimer] [settings] on/off - Enable player checkpoints"
sm_quake "[surftimer] [settings] on/off - Enable sounds"
sm_startside "[surftimer] [settings] left/right - change start side"
sm_speedgradient "[surftimer] [settings] white/green/rainbow/momentum - change speed gradient"
sm_speedmode "[surftimer] [settings] xy/xyz/z - change speed mode"
sm_centerspeed "[surftimer] [settings] on/off - toggle center speed display"
sm_csd "[surftimer] [settings] on/off - toggle center speed display"
sm_nctriggers "[surftimer] [settings] on/off - toggle triggers while noclipping"
sm_autoreset "[surftimer] [settings] on/off - toggle auto reset for your current map/bonus run if your above your pb"
Saveloc Editing  
sm_clearsavelocs "[surftimer] Clears the players savelocs"
sm_clearlocs "[surftimer] Clears the players savelocs"
sm_addsaveloc "[surftimer] Recreates a saveloc with supplied information, where the player can teleport back to"
sm_addloc "[surftimer] Recreates a saveloc with supplied information, where the player can teleport back to"
sm_teleprev "[surftimer] Cycles backwards through created savelocs."
sm_telenext "[surftimer] Cycles forwards through created savelocs."
Advanced HUD  
sm_hud "[surftimer] Enter Advanced HUD menu."
sm_importhud "[SurfTimer] Import an Advanced HUD template."
Stats Commands  
sm_stats "[SurfTimer] View your personal stats."


VIP Commands:

VIP Commands  
sm_vip "[surftimer] [vip] Displays the VIP menu to client"
sm_mytitle "[surftimer] [vip] Displays a menu to the player showing their custom title and allowing them to change their colours"
sm_title "[surftimer] [vip] Displays a menu to the player showing their custom title and allowing them to change their colours"
sm_customtitle "[surftimer] [vip] VIPs can set their own custom title into a db"
sm_namecolour "[surftimer] [vip] VIPs can set their own custom name colour into the db"
sm_textcolour "[surftimer] [vip] VIPs can set their own custom text colour into the db"
sm_ve "[surftimer] [vip] Vote to extend the map"
sm_colours "[surftimer] Lists available colours for sm_mytitle and sm_namecolour"
sm_colors "[surftimer] Lists available colours for sm_mytitle and sm_namecolour"
sm_toggletitle "[surftimer] [vip] VIPs can toggle their title."
sm_joinmsg "[surftimer] [vip] Allows a vip to set their join msg"
sm_paint "[Paint] [vip] Allows you to paint, recommended to bind +paint to a key"
sm_paintoptions "[Paint] [vip] Displays a menu to configure paint options"
sm_paintsize "[Paint] [vip] Displays a menu to configure paint size"
sm_paintcolor "[Paint] [vip] Displays a menu to configure paint color"
r_cleardecals "[Paint] [vip] Clear all paint decals on the map"
sm_nv "[NightVision] [vip] Enables night vision."
sm_nvg "[NightVision] [vip] Enables night vision."
sm_nvs "[NightVision] [vip] Displays a menu to configure night vision



Edited by Dini

Steam: ItzTropicalx | Discord: itztropicalx


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