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Doctor Pig

Impostor Rework

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In its current state, impostor is by far the most annoying and frustrating role.  Yes, even more annoying than the 250 HP glutton running at you Mach 9 with a knife, more annoying than a crazed grim reaper sprinting at you with a scythe, destined to ruin your traitor round.  All 3 of impostors gimmicks make it completely cancerous to play against:

Either one of the 3 sabotages are incredibly annoying to deal with, whether it's you being blinded while being in gunfights, you being unable to call KOSes because the server's sound is muted, or your HP slowly dropping while the traitors buy sandwiches because they are all "survivalists".

Impostor vents are somehow worse than the sabotages, encouraging players to play the game like a rat, camping, and quickly escaping after impostor killing someone.  They also allow traitors to "take the temperature" of a room so they can determine if it's a good idea to leave the vent or if they will immediately be killed upon doing so.

And finally, without a doubt, the most annoying trait the impostor has:  The infamous impostor kill.  I have no idea how this hasn't been removed or even nerfed yet, given how strong it is.  It's just a free kill, every 45 seconds, that you can get away with very easily and with NO COUNTERPLAY WHATSOEVER.  The rather short cooldown encourages players to delay and wait for their next impostor kill after getting away with their previous one, which is insanely easy to do.  How many times have you been a detective, you've gotten tons of credits from killing traitors, you have your P90, you have your 60 body armor, and you have your radar, confident that you're going to win the round, when, BAM!  Dead.  That's it, no gunfight, no nothing.  You've just been impostor killed.  More annoying than anything else in the game, even shini.

Well, that's enough of my rant.  Time to explain why I'm actually making this post.  I have zero ideas of ways to tone down impostor so it's more fair all around


Idea 1:  Give it only 1 impostor kill.  Probably my most simple idea for a nerf, fairly self explanatory.  No more infinite impostor kills spaced apart, you just get one 45 seconds into the round.  This wouldn't be my choice for the change, because it doesn't address the glaring issues with impostor killing as a whole.


Idea 2:  Replace impostor killing with an "impostor knife".  Not my idea, so I'll leave the explanation to This Post


Idea 3:  Remove the -50% damage nerf, give impostor access to the traitor shop with 1 credit, increase time between sabotages, (maybe remove a vent as well) and remove impostor killing as a whole.  This would remove impostor's most annoying gimmick, while toning down 2 of the others.  This would obviously make impostor a lot more similar to base traitor, while still retaining some of its intrinsic characteristics, and it would personally be the change that I would make.  


Well, there it is, my 2 cents on how impostor should be changed in the future.  And, in line with my philosophy on the matter, I won't be adding a TL;DR to this post, because if I can go to the effort of typing this out, you can go to the effort of reading it.  


Hello I'm Doctor Pig

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2 minutes ago, Doctor Pig said:

Idea 3:  Remove the -50% damage nerf, give impostor access to the traitor shop with 1 credit, increase time between sabotages, (maybe remove a vent as well) and remove impostor killing as a whole.  This would remove impostor's most annoying gimmick, while toning down 2 of the others.  This would obviously make impostor a lot more similar to base traitor, while still retaining some of its intrinsic characteristics, and it would personally be the change that I would make. 

sounds good 🙂

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6 minutes ago, Mangost said:

seems like you are salty after i totally cleaned you guys as imposter

this post has been a longtime coming, you were just the final straw

Hello I'm Doctor Pig

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16 minutes ago, Doctor Pig said:

Idea 1:  Give it only 1 impostor kill.  Probably my most simple idea for a nerf, fairly self explanatory.  No more infinite impostor kills spaced apart, you just get one 45 seconds into the round.  This wouldn't be my choice for the change, because it doesn't address the glaring issues with impostor killing as a whole.

I would say this could be one solution, but I would rather have it actually have to kill people in other ways in order to recharge the impostor kill, so as to actually encourage impostor to do other things than hiding until they get a new imp kill.


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8 minutes ago, Doctor Pig said:

this post has been a longtime coming, you were just the final straw

lmao you guys had no idea i was imposter

professional necromancer

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honestly if impostor just had the impostor kill knife as their only gimmick (and a t shop and no damage reduction of course), it would still be a pretty interesting role. maybe give it a few vents as well, possibly with some type of nerf. sabotages could be removed as a whole, imo if the imp kill knife was added then sabotages would be a much bigger problem than impostor kills. comms sabotage I hate, its overpowered by making gunshots inaudible and preventing KOSes on all evils, lights sabotage is just annoying since it can interrupt gunfights, and on maps with a lot of dangerous areas/risk of falling off, you basically just have to stand still every time the lights go down. oxygen sabotage is literally almost useless, it damages all your traitor buds and makes them waste a credit on sandwiches (or just makes them lose 50 health) and usually doesn't have any affect on gameplay at all. reactor sabotage doesn't even exist because its broken so badly, so yeah thats another thing


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