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GFL Newsletter - January 2021

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Hello, and welcome to this month's newsletter! A lot has changed since the previous newsletter - the Writing team is now a part of the Public Relations team, led by @Infra and @Salad! We will be aiming to publish newsletters every month, or every two months from this point onward. As an added bonus, from now on, newsletters will include an Easter egg or two - if found, the first to claim it will be rewarded with a prize!


For this month, there is a single Easter egg hidden within the newsletter. Be the first to find it and message @Salad (Salad#6564) or @Infra (Infra#0001) to claim your prize! This section will be updated once there is a winner. Good luck! 

UPDATE: @kraken223 has found the Easter egg and has won 1 month of VIP!




- @Dragoon


From the 25th to the 31st of January, we had a week-long celebration for GFL's 10th Anniversary! There were several fun community events hosted by our Events team - click here to view the 10th Anniversary Community Events thread.


We also had events across many of our game servers, with many exciting rewards given out - ranging from gift cards all the way to permanent VIP! Click here to view the 10th Anniversary Server Events thread.


For a limited time during the 10th anniversary, permanent VIP was made available for purchase, at a price of $79.99! Even though the celebrations for our 10th Anniversary have ended, let us keep up the GFL spirit - here's to another successful year in GFL! Keep an eye out for more events hosted by the Events team.




- @flamie Alexis


In celebration of GFL’s 10th anniversary, we have announced the opening of our official GFL RedBubble Merchandise Store! Currently, there are a few designs available, including the GFL logo along with a few Pride themed variants, all designed by our Graphics Team Leader @Salad! For any suggestions or questions about the store, please message Salad on Discord (Salad#6564). Click here for more information and links to the various store pages.






- @AMP


With the monolithic success that Among Us has had over the past several months, we have decided to open up our own GMod-based twist on the game! Starting off, the 24-player server features its own custom version of Skeld alongside a Point-Shop for purchasing custom hats and models. 


As with all other newly-added servers and game-modes, there are rules that need to be followed, all of which are courtesy of @Salad.


Game-Play Rules:

  • Cheating or using scripts to gain an advantage over other players is strictly prohibited and will result in a permanent ban.
  • Abusing the report system to report players who have not broken the rules will result in a warning. Repeated violations will lead to a temporary ban.
  • Using 3rd-party services like Skype, Discord or TeamSpeak to share information about the game in a way that unfairly advantages any player is considered cheating and will result in a temporary ban. Repeated violations can lead to a permanent ban.
  • Do not intentionally delay rounds. Delaying includes purposefully not voting, purposefully not finishing tasks, purposefully not pressing the emergency button, and not killing within a reasonable amount of time (for Impostors only).
  • Staff has final say. If you have any issues, please contact the Server Manager (@Salad).


Chat/Misc Rules

  • Advertising non-GFL servers is prohibited.
  • Harassment and usage of slurs is prohibited.
  • Sending spam messages/being overly-annoying over text or voice chat is prohibited.
  • Pretending to be an admin or any other user is prohibited.
  • NSFW/Gore sprays and profile pictures are prohibited.
  • Please only speak in English, to the best of your ability.
  • Abuse of the admin call feature is prohibited.


Feel free to connect to the server using this link: steam://connect/

Have fun! Don’t go into Electrical alone, though...




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Discord: Infra#0001 | Steam: /id/infra- | GitHub: /1zc

             Executive Director & CS:GO Division Leader          

Server Manager of CS:GO KZ




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