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    • Hello, GFL. You may know me as a CS:GO Surf Head Admin, but you may remember me more as the guy who put up a GoFundMe a little while back because my father and I hadn't been doing too well. I regret deeply to say that this situation has come back to us.
      My father has been having heart issues for a little while now and his overall health has worsened over time. Because of this, it is essentially impossible for him to drive for 90 minutes to and from his job every day he works in order to keep our money up. I myself have been looking for any type of job for roughly 6 months at this point, but have not had any luck. I now need to figure out a way where I can find a job and bring in some money to help us while also having time for all of my college needs, but in about 2 days, our rent is due, and we cannot afford it under current circumstances.
      So, as a result of this, we had to throw up another GoFundMe. This really isn't something I wanted to have happen, and ~6-7 months between these is a very bad look, but I have absolutely no other choice. This is a final resort. I have no other options to try and be able to sustain our way of living right now other than this. I really didn't want to put this anywhere near my friends, school, or especially GFL, cause I really feel guilty and ashamed to have to try and seek help from the generous and amazing GFL community after I had to about 6-7 months ago, but I must try to get any help I can now.
      Please, if you can, any donations or shares would be immensely appreciated and helpful to us as we try to keep a roof over our heads. Any excess donations past our set goal if made will 100% go towards bills, food, and more rent for later months. I will keep updating everyone on our situation as it progresses, but as of right now, we are at the lowest of lows. I love the GFL community, and I apologize deeply for having to do this again. Thank you for reading, and keep us in your thoughts. Godspeed to you all.

      For a little background, I had to do this a little while ago due to my dad having other health issues, found here;
      and I am immensely grateful for what GFL has done for us and myself in the almost 3 years I have been a part of it. Thanks to everyone, we were able to keep our apartment and sustain ourselves for a while longer as my father's health had seemed to improved. However, this seemed to not last as long as I wish it had, because it slowly started getting worse with his heart and age. Now, we are unfortunately back in these circumstances, and I have been working to try and find a job and help us try to sustain a living if I can, but I have come up short and I take full responsibility for failing to do so. I need time and a roof over my head in order to figure out what I can do next. So please, help me get there once more.
      • 4 replies
    • Day one of the qualifier event is starting now!

      Check out our main stream here: https://www.twitch.tv/gflclan
      Russian Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/s1cma  

      Donate: https://ko-fi.com/GFLClan
      Tournament Info: https://surf.gflclan.com/tournament/
      Bracket: https://challonge.com/surf23qualifiers
      • 2 replies
    • Welcome to the 2023 GFL Surf Tournament!
      All information can be found on our landing page: https://surf.gflclan.com/tournament
      Starting Prize Pool: $1,500 USD
      COMMUNITY DONATIONS ARE NOW OPEN: https://surf.gflclan.com/tournament/donate
      All incoming donations will be broadcast on stream and in our Discord: https://discord.gg/GFL
      Introducing the Invite-Only Roster of Players
      We're happy to introduce you all to this tournament's iteration of the 12 player invite-only roster and their map picks:
      Liquidator - surf_botanica bzukey - surf_n_turf ApeXe - surf_apollo Frozoni - surf_primero_njv da - surf_lowestbidder dawn - surf_tronic_njv vhiln - surf_anoobis Julien - surf_fornax noti - surf_sandtrap rossberg - surf_porn_fix ellyever - surf_tendies Benowy - surf_occur  
      English: Manana & Hardex Russian: S1cma  
      Qualifiers Cut Off Date
      We will be selecting and announcing the qualifier roster this coming weekend. If you'd like a chance to compete at the main event, please do not forget to apply before the coming weekend: https://forms.gle/2qHSsmG7N63JomNbA 
      • 0 replies
    • Hi everyone,
      We're happy to introduce the 2023 GFL Surf Tournament! Just like last year, the tournament will feature 16 of GFL's best players in a series of best-of-3 1v1 battles for their share in the final prize pool. The 16 player roster will consist of 12 invited players, with the remaining 4 slots being players that progress through the qualifier stage.
      This time, the qualifier stage will be a separate Group Stage tournament prior to the main events! The Group Stages will cap at a maximum of 16 participants, 4 in each group, with potential participants expressing interest and being selected. Want to have the chance to prove yourself in CS Surf's biggest tournament? Simply check out the requirements and express interest here: https://forms.gle/EBbWxBVP7gdLW5gK6
      Important Information:
      Tournament Website - https://surf.gflclan.com/tournament
      Group Stages: June 24th and 25th Main Event: July 8th and 9th
      More information on the event along with the starting prize pool will be revealed and open for community donations in early June. If you would like to sponsor the event as a brand/figure, please contact @Infra!
      Invites will start being sent out to the invite-only roster very soon. Check your DMs and watch for a friend request from either @Dini or @Infra!
      With that, we are also happy to announce our latest expansion with European Public Servers! We are starting our expansion into the region with just two CS:GO Surf servers to test performance and iron out any issues:
      EU Beginner: `` EU Novice: ``  
      As we progress, we hope to expand a bit more into the EU region! A big thank you to everyone that has supported us all this while.

      View full article
      • 1 reply
    • Your profile pictures are fine, just masked by an among us crewmate. Happy April Fools!
      Thanks to @Salad for sending me the Among Us images.
      How it works (click me) The colour of your crewmate is determined by what your Member ID ends with.

      IDs ending in 1 and 2 are red, 3 and 4 are green, 5 and 6 are purple, 7 and 8 are light blue and 9 and 0 are yellow. My Member ID is "1028", which ends in 8, so I am light blue.

      Profile pictures are preserved because I am just swapping out the member photo source ({$member->photo}) with internal IPS html resource elements like: {resource="aprilfools/3.png" app="core" location="front"}. Your {$member->photo} is not effected in any way, besides being hidden for now 🙂
      • 3 replies
    • Hi everyone!
      The 25th was GFL's 12-year anniversary! It is almost surreal to think about how far GFL has come over the years, through its various ups and downs (of course, it wouldn't be the GFL we know and love without all the drama), and just how many generations of people have come and gone through all this time. GFL continuing to thrive after all these years wouldn't be possible without you all - thank you all so much for being here and being supportive!
      • 15 replies
    • Statistics!
      Here's a bunch of Forum statistics. The data is from 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022.
      Graphs may take some time to load, and are only visible on desktop; they are interactive though (hover over them)! 
      Topics started: 4,259 (an average of 12 per day)

      Posts: 15,306 (an average of 42 per day)

      Top 10 posters:
      @Joshy - 314 @Rhysin but BlazingArson - 277 @Dini - 235 @Salad - 228 @DaPainWayne - 220 @Neon Cat - 206 @Liloz01 - 183 @The1337Gh0st - 177 @Anathema Device - 152 @Infra - 149 @GFLBot is actually #1 with 2191 posts but... it's not a human.
      Total Reactions: 6969 (this is not a joke) (an average of 19 per day)
      • 4 replies
    • Hey! Christmas is over or nearly over for most people - here's an excuse to brag about the favourite thing you got!
      I got a nice candle:

      The cat is included just because it looks cool, I didn't get it for Christmas.
      • 4 replies
    • Hi everyone, happy holidays! For the holiday season, we've been working on some much needed refactoring of the foundations of the timer, revamping the replays system and replacing the personal best processing system entirely. The main goal for this major update release was to rework some key parts of the timer that have been the same way since around 2015 while introducing a few features that showcase the work put into our systems over the past year!
      This thread highlights some of the new features. Thanks to everyone that helped with testing and feedback, and thank you all for playing and supporting us all this while. Merry Christmas!
      - @Infra

      Banner by @Salad
      Map Personal Best Replays
      The timer will now automatically save replays of your personal best runs on any map and any style! Players can use the /replays command to choose from a list of available replays:

      We are debuting this feature with only map personal bests. Replays are automatically saved for either of the following conditions:
      If the map has less than 100 completes on the style you've set the PB on, If your PB was 25% faster than the average map time.  
      At the time of this update release, we had 21,810 replay files saved for 856 different Steam accounts! This is because we've been silently saving some map and bonus PB replays over the past few months to test the system until this release. There is a chance some of you may have PB replays on some maps already available the moment this update goes live, which is cool!
      This feature is available only to VIPs!
      Replay Controller
      As a VIP, you will now have access to controls over replays that you manually start using the /replay command! The controls allow players to pause, skip, rewind, and customise the amount of time skip/rewind uses.
      This feature is available only to VIPs!
      • 0 replies
    • The GFL Demographic is a yearly survey we host that asks basic questions about the members of our community. This survey is just for fun, and the data will be shared with the entire community once responses are closed! There are always some interesting changes in the views of the community every year, and I'm sure this year will be no different 🙂
      The survey shouldn't take you any more than 5 minutes to fill out, so no excuses!!!!
      Additionally, we will be giving out two months of VIP to one lucky participant!
      Frequently Asked Questions
      Q: Is the data anonymous?
      A: Yes! The only way we will know who you are is if you opt into the VIP giveaway at the end. If you are not comfortable with that,  please do not opt into the giveaway!
      Q: What is the data used for?
      A: Once we stop accepting new responses, the answers to each question will be turned into some cool charts and graphs. There are a lot of random questions that have nothing to do with GFL, and those are used purely for fun and to show the different shades of the community. The questions directly related to GFL are for us to get a feel of where our community has grown and shrunk, as well as what we might venture into next!
      Q: Will the data be released to the public?
      A: As mentioned above, the data will be compiled into a bunch of cool charts and graphs, however the data will remain anonymous regardless of if someone participates in the giveaway. Click here to view last year's results!
      The Demographic will close on December 31st so make sure you submit a response by then!
      Click below to fill out the survey!
      GFL Demographic Survey
      • 9 replies
    • Hello friends! I'm @Jeffrey The Elf! 

      I'm here to let all of you know that @Santa is coming to GFL soon! But you need to let him know that you're here so that you can get a present! @Santa's a bit old so you're going to have to follow some rules so he understands you properly:
      Include your SteamID in the “Subject” line. Find your SteamID here.   In the content of the letter, mention your favourite part of GFL (CS:GO Surf, GMod CWRP, etc.) Got it? Good! Be quick, Santa is a busy man so send your letter before December 19th!
      Send mail to Santa! Here's an example I whipped up to show you what @Santa likes:
      If you don't follow this, @Santa wont know who you are! So no gifts... wait I haven't told you what the gifts are!
      The gifts:
      1 month of VIP, 1 month of Supporter, A custom role/color in a GFL Discord (within reason), A custom modification to their Forum profile by @Liloz01 (within reason), GMod CWRP currency (2-5 million), Pointshop points on a applicable GMod server, Custom rank icon on the GMod TTT Rotation server (specific icons for players that show on the scoreboard, within reason), Custom model voucher (applicable to GMod TTT Anarchy, Horde, and TTT Rotation, within reason), A CS:GO Surf private server for two weeks, CS:GO Surf pooled exclusive permanent playermodel, A Physion Unturned vault, A Random Steam game key! @Santa will deliver everyone their gift by Christmas! If you don't like your gift, you can "trade it in" or give it to someone else! 
      Make sure to check your Forum DM with @Santa before December 31st because some of the gifts may expire by then!
      • 53 replies
    • Hello all,
      For Black Friday and Cyber Monday, rank packages, items from the Physion Unturned store, and Surf Private Servers will be on sale until Monday, November 29 at 11:59 PM.
      Supporter: $4.24 / mo (-15%) (Donate).
      VIP: $6.70 / mo (-15%) (Donate).
      Surf Private Servers: $20.99 (-30%) for the first month, then $29.99 for every month thereafter. There are limited numbers of slots available for Surf Private Servers and orders will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis. Apply here.
      Unturned: 30% off eligible items in the Physion Unturned store with promo code BLACKFRIDAY22.

      • 1 reply
    • What are everyone's thoughts on Overwatch 2?
      Do you like it better than Overwatch 1?
      I know they are practically the same game but I've heard a lot of complaints and a few people who praise the game as better than it's predecessor, so I wanted to see y'all's thoughts on it.
      Do you like the new heroes? How about the battle pass?

      Personally, I like OW2. I wasn't a huge OW1 player (cause poor), so I can't really say which I prefer. I do, however, prefer the single tank format to the double tank format, even if it makes some tanks less powerful now.
      The battle pass is pretty dumb, at least the way they are implementing it. Locking heroes behind the battle pass? Seriously? The next new hero Rammattra is going to be locked behind the battle pass just like Kiriko was apparently and that's honestly so disappointing. I get it from a business standpoint, they want to make money, but from a player standpoint its just annoying.
      For the most part, the new heroes and the changes to some old heroes are alright. Junker Queen is a bit weak for a tank, having similar issues to Roadhog imo. Doomfist being made into a tank was an interesting choice, but he desperately needs a buff to keep up with other tanks like D.Va or even Sigma. . I've heard that Sojourn is pretty broken apparently, but personally I haven't seen too many good Sojourn players. Kiriko is fun, nothing really bad to say about her, her voice lines are kinda boring though.
      • 5 replies
    • TL:DR
      Many Forum group issues are automatically fixed every 10 minutes now. Roughly 2,700 Forum accounts were effected by the first wave of automatic fixes.
      Some group issues still require human input (talk to me, your DL or SM!).
      • 2 replies
    • Some spooky dudes schmovin'

      A spooky dude that you can schmove

      I added some shit to some peoples profiles because they asked - The power of asking 🙂
      https://gflclan.com/profile/15181-dapainwayne/ got the spider from last year
      https://gflclan.com/profile/7801-auralanity/'s profile contracted achromatopsia

      and something secret, see if you can find it! Also see if you can find any Forum bugs and report them to me/give suggestions, ok, cool, thanks, bye!
      • 5 replies
    • Hey everyone!
      @annoying furry, @Salad and I are happy to announce that @Joshy will be joining the Directorate as Director of Teams! Joshy has shown great leadership skills during his recent time as our Moderation Team Leader, as well as his past roles within the community.
      With this, we are also happy to announce that @Shuruia will be joining Joshy as co-Team Leader of our Moderation Team. Shuruia has spent the last two years as Senior Moderator, not to mention his numerous other positions within the community. Please join me in welcoming them both into their new roles!
      Please yell your grievances at them. Thanks!
      View full article
      • 23 replies
    • Hey everyone! I'm happy to announce that @Copium Queen (Danni) is returning to their position as Team Leader of the Events Team!
      Please join me in welcoming them back 🙂
      View full article
      • 7 replies
    • What are Forum Points?
      Forum Points are awarded to a user when certain conditions are met. They are an indicator of public Forum activity and popularity. Forum Points will replace Forum Reputation once released, th
      • 9 replies
    • Hi all,
      I have started the process of overhauling the BHop server. I'm reaching out and would like to hear what suggestions, requests, or any other feedback that you have on the current server. This includes any desired features, plugins, maps, ranks, styles, etc.
      If you would like to give feedback, I have made a survey here.
      Currently, I've setup:
      Updated Shavits Timer Revamped Ranking System Persistent Bot Replays Updated messages / color styles  
      Cosmetics Styles Map Tiers  
      Once again, please let me know what you would like to see changed or added.
      • 9 replies
    • This is the GFL Newsletter for July and August 2022. It may have a shorter length this time, but that's bound to change in the future! As always, be sure to congratulate everyone else who got promoted this month by checking the promotion list from the last two months at the bottom of the newsletter!
      For each newsletter, we have one "Easter Egg" hidden somewhere. If you find it on here or on a future newsletter, please be sure to message @Dragoon (Dragoon#5140) or @Salad (Salad#6564) to claim a free prize! This section will be updated when someone discovers the secret. 
      • 2 replies
    • Hello everyone,
      Yesterday afternoon, it came to our attention that a private string of messages was leaked from GFL’s Council chat to an outside party. These messages were sent by me mentioning that I would be creating a thread to outline and document all of Roy and related parties’ actions towards GFL, that being this thread. Benroy, former Director of Teams and Moderation Team Leader, came forward and admitted that it was him, taking full responsibility for his actions and has apologised. With that, Council has collectively decided to remove him from all of his positions in GFL, as well as blacklist him from regaining staff positions in the future due to his breach of the GFL Staff Code of Conduct.
      • 72 replies
    • General Information:
      I forgot to open a nomination thread this week, as a result, this voting thread will consist of nominations included in the nomination thread for Event #291 along with an extra nominations borowed from the Nominations Megathread, next week I will open a proper nomination thread.
      Information on what these nominations are will be written in this post.
      These votes will close on: Friday September 2nd @ 4:00PM CDT
      Event will be on: Saturday September 3rd @ 4:00PM CDT
      Event Nominations:
      Event Nomination: "idk man" Map Combo -- by WarpedCakez
      Consists of:
      ze_mountain_escape_v5_zy ze_biohazard_sewer_v4c ze_shroomforest2_v1 ---
      Event Nomination: "Old maps with old settings" Map Combo -- by Nick
      Consists of:
      ze_predator_ultimate_v3 ze_fapescape_v1_2 ze_shroomforest_v4_5 ze_lotr_isengard_v2_3 Special Kickers:
      800 ammo on all maps. No rebuys. Fall damage enabled. Noshake disabled. ---
      Event Nomination: "Challenging one-stagers" Map Combo -- by GS_Bany
      Consists of:
      ze_collab_ware_a5_8 ze_megaman_a6 ze_totemo_roka_b5s Special Kickers:
      15 rounds max on Collab Ware. If map is not beaten by this time boss stages will be enabled before moving on. ---
      Event Nomination: "Hide & Seek" Map Combo -- by U-Turn
      Consists of:
      zm_abandoned_mall_v5ff_pf zm_church_of_faith_b1a_pf zm_crazycity zm_duke3d_l1_v1 zm_endless_v1_0 zm_hotline_miami_v2_0 zm_krusty_krab_a3_rev1 zm_monastery_v1_1 zm_roy_highway zm_x_dontfall_v2_fwx zm_xmas_cozmoshouse_v1_1 zm_zelda_oot_forest_templev2 Special Kickers:
      5 minutes roundtime per map. Classic spawn enabled. Bhop and knife knockback enabled. Lower zombie health. Increased ZM spawn ratio. ---
      Event Nomination: "Counter-Strike: Cold Weapons" Map Combo -- by PuddingFlye
      Consists of:
      ze_mixture_3de_v1f2 ze_standart_map_final_fix2 ze_gargantua_v2_0 ze_barrage_v1 ze_RE4_castle_a3 ze_percocet_v5_s Special Kickers:
      During each map, we'll be playing with only one specific primary weapon: Mixture will be played with Galil only, Standart Map with Famas only, Gargantua with Mac10 only, Barrage with AUG only, RE4 Castle with XM1014s only and Percocet with G3SG1s only. Gargantua will be played with classic GFL settings (with a limited time 1,000 ammo limit) and Percocet will be played with pF settings (900 ammo). Pistols and other secondaries will be left to use as are, but the ammo restrictions will apply on the maps that have restrictions. For each map, the first whole round will be WARM-UP for late joiners (regardless if the round is won or lost) since all these maps have only 1 stage.
      • 0 replies
    • Round 3 baby! We're spicing things up with this map poll, so make sure to get your votes in within a week! You can also thank iLoveNapalm for the time, as he requested it to end at 2:30 AM Saudi Arabia Time (courteous to our Saudi Arabians).
      • 1 reply
    • Feel free to post all map suggestions for the event. During the event we will run through every map, or at least attempt to.
      Event will be held this upcoming Sunday.
      Please respect the following rules:
      1.No Sexual or Offensive content within the map.
      2. Maps over 400mb will most likely not be accepted(but feel free to post them regardless its a case by case basis).
      3. Please do not repeatedly update the same post over and over, as it makes it harder to tell when new submissions have been entered.
      4. Maps that were already used on the server in a previous event, or maps on normal rotation that were removed, do not count and will be skipped.
      5. Please only Suggest maps with a TTT prefix. 
      • 29 replies
    • Like always, please attend if you have an opinion or just want to hear about what's new with GFL. You can find the Agenda for the meeting below (subject to change): Click here to see the agenda.
      The meeting will take place in the GFL Main Discord.
      Please follow the Council Meeting Calendar if you would like to be notified about any future meetings!
      • 0 replies
    • Hello! I am happy to announce that @DaPainWayne will be joining @Pyros as co-Division Leader of our GMod Division! Wayne has proven more than capable for the position in recent months with his constant willingness to help other staff, as well as his ever growing knowledge of the backend of GMod. With his experience as an admin (CWRP, DarkRP, old Purge, Prop Hunt) as well as his more recent Manager role for our Purge server, Pyros and I believe he will be a good fit for the position. Please join us in congratulating him!
      View full article
      • 11 replies
    • Council Meeting - 7/23/22
      Meeting Agenda - Click Here
      Statuses on Divisions, Teams, and Tech - Click Here
      Council Votes - N/A
      VOD - Coming Soon
      • 1 reply
    • This is the GFL Newsletter for May and June 2022. It's been quite a while, but that hasn't brought our quality down! As always, be sure to congratulate everyone else who got promoted this month by checking the promotion list from the last two months at the bottom of the newsletter!
      For each newsletter, we have one "Easter Egg" hidden somewhere. If you find it on here or on a future newsletter, please be sure to message @Dragoon (Dragoon#5140) or @Salad (Salad#6564) to claim a free prize! This section will be updated when someone discovers the secret.
      • 3 replies
    • Hello, GFL. You may know me as a CS:GO Surf Head Admin, but you may remember me more as the guy who put up a GoFundMe a little while back because my father and I hadn't been doing too well. I regret deeply to say that this situation has come back to us.
      My father has been having heart issues for a little while now and his overall health has worsened over time. Because of this, it is essentially impossible for him to drive for 90 minutes to and from his job every day he works in order to keep our money up. I myself have been looking for any type of job for roughly 6 months at this point, but have not had any luck. I now need to figure out a way where I can find a job and bring in some money to help us while also having time for all of my college needs, but in about 2 days, our rent is due, and we cannot afford it under current circumstances.
      So, as a result of this, we had to throw up another GoFundMe. This really isn't something I wanted to have happen, and ~6-7 months between these is a very bad look, but I have absolutely no other choice. This is a final resort. I have no other options to try and be able to sustain our way of living right now other than this. I really didn't want to put this anywhere near my friends, school, or especially GFL, cause I really feel guilty and ashamed to have to try and seek help from the generous and amazing GFL community after I had to about 6-7 months ago, but I must try to get any help I can now.
      Please, if you can, any donations or shares would be immensely appreciated and helpful to us as we try to keep a roof over our heads. Any excess donations past our set goal if made will 100% go towards bills, food, and more rent for later months. I will keep updating everyone on our situation as it progresses, but as of right now, we are at the lowest of lows. I love the GFL community, and I apologize deeply for having to do this again. Thank you for reading, and keep us in your thoughts. Godspeed to you all.

      For a little background, I had to do this a little while ago due to my dad having other health issues, found here;
      and I am immensely grateful for what GFL has done for us and myself in the almost 3 years I have been a part of it. Thanks to everyone, we were able to keep our apartment and sustain ourselves for a while longer as my father's health had seemed to improved. However, this seemed to not last as long as I wish it had, because it slowly started getting worse with his heart and age. Now, we are unfortunately back in these circumstances, and I have been working to try and find a job and help us try to sustain a living if I can, but I have come up short and I take full responsibility for failing to do so. I need time and a roof over my head in order to figure out what I can do next. So please, help me get there once more.
      • 4 replies
    • Day one of the qualifier event is starting now!

      Check out our main stream here: https://www.twitch.tv/gflclan
      Russian Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/s1cma  

      Donate: https://ko-fi.com/GFLClan
      Tournament Info: https://surf.gflclan.com/tournament/
      Bracket: https://challonge.com/surf23qualifiers
      • 2 replies
    • Welcome to the 2023 GFL Surf Tournament!
      All information can be found on our landing page: https://surf.gflclan.com/tournament
      Starting Prize Pool: $1,500 USD
      COMMUNITY DONATIONS ARE NOW OPEN: https://surf.gflclan.com/tournament/donate
      All incoming donations will be broadcast on stream and in our Discord: https://discord.gg/GFL
      Introducing the Invite-Only Roster of Players
      We're happy to introduce you all to this tournament's iteration of the 12 player invite-only roster and their map picks:
      Liquidator - surf_botanica bzukey - surf_n_turf ApeXe - surf_apollo Frozoni - surf_primero_njv da - surf_lowestbidder dawn - surf_tronic_njv vhiln - surf_anoobis Julien - surf_fornax noti - surf_sandtrap rossberg - surf_porn_fix ellyever - surf_tendies Benowy - surf_occur  
      English: Manana & Hardex Russian: S1cma  
      Qualifiers Cut Off Date
      We will be selecting and announcing the qualifier roster this coming weekend. If you'd like a chance to compete at the main event, please do not forget to apply before the coming weekend: https://forms.gle/2qHSsmG7N63JomNbA 
      • 0 replies
    • Hi everyone,
      We're happy to introduce the 2023 GFL Surf Tournament! Just like last year, the tournament will feature 16 of GFL's best players in a series of best-of-3 1v1 battles for their share in the final prize pool. The 16 player roster will consist of 12 invited players, with the remaining 4 slots being players that progress through the qualifier stage.
      This time, the qualifier stage will be a separate Group Stage tournament prior to the main events! The Group Stages will cap at a maximum of 16 participants, 4 in each group, with potential participants expressing interest and being selected. Want to have the chance to prove yourself in CS Surf's biggest tournament? Simply check out the requirements and express interest here: https://forms.gle/EBbWxBVP7gdLW5gK6
      Important Information:
      Tournament Website - https://surf.gflclan.com/tournament
      Group Stages: June 24th and 25th Main Event: July 8th and 9th
      More information on the event along with the starting prize pool will be revealed and open for community donations in early June. If you would like to sponsor the event as a brand/figure, please contact @Infra!
      Invites will start being sent out to the invite-only roster very soon. Check your DMs and watch for a friend request from either @Dini or @Infra!
      With that, we are also happy to announce our latest expansion with European Public Servers! We are starting our expansion into the region with just two CS:GO Surf servers to test performance and iron out any issues:
      EU Beginner: `` EU Novice: ``  
      As we progress, we hope to expand a bit more into the EU region! A big thank you to everyone that has supported us all this while.

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      • 1 reply
    • Your profile pictures are fine, just masked by an among us crewmate. Happy April Fools!
      Thanks to @Salad for sending me the Among Us images.
      How it works (click me) The colour of your crewmate is determined by what your Member ID ends with.

      IDs ending in 1 and 2 are red, 3 and 4 are green, 5 and 6 are purple, 7 and 8 are light blue and 9 and 0 are yellow. My Member ID is "1028", which ends in 8, so I am light blue.

      Profile pictures are preserved because I am just swapping out the member photo source ({$member->photo}) with internal IPS html resource elements like: {resource="aprilfools/3.png" app="core" location="front"}. Your {$member->photo} is not effected in any way, besides being hidden for now 🙂
      • 3 replies
    • Hi everyone!
      The 25th was GFL's 12-year anniversary! It is almost surreal to think about how far GFL has come over the years, through its various ups and downs (of course, it wouldn't be the GFL we know and love without all the drama), and just how many generations of people have come and gone through all this time. GFL continuing to thrive after all these years wouldn't be possible without you all - thank you all so much for being here and being supportive!
      • 15 replies
    • Statistics!
      Here's a bunch of Forum statistics. The data is from 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022.
      Graphs may take some time to load, and are only visible on desktop; they are interactive though (hover over them)! 
      Topics started: 4,259 (an average of 12 per day)

      Posts: 15,306 (an average of 42 per day)

      Top 10 posters:
      @Joshy - 314 @Rhysin but BlazingArson - 277 @Dini - 235 @Salad - 228 @DaPainWayne - 220 @Neon Cat - 206 @Liloz01 - 183 @The1337Gh0st - 177 @Anathema Device - 152 @Infra - 149 @GFLBot is actually #1 with 2191 posts but... it's not a human.
      Total Reactions: 6969 (this is not a joke) (an average of 19 per day)
      • 4 replies
    • Hey! Christmas is over or nearly over for most people - here's an excuse to brag about the favourite thing you got!
      I got a nice candle:

      The cat is included just because it looks cool, I didn't get it for Christmas.
      • 4 replies
    • Hi everyone, happy holidays! For the holiday season, we've been working on some much needed refactoring of the foundations of the timer, revamping the replays system and replacing the personal best processing system entirely. The main goal for this major update release was to rework some key parts of the timer that have been the same way since around 2015 while introducing a few features that showcase the work put into our systems over the past year!
      This thread highlights some of the new features. Thanks to everyone that helped with testing and feedback, and thank you all for playing and supporting us all this while. Merry Christmas!
      - @Infra

      Banner by @Salad
      Map Personal Best Replays
      The timer will now automatically save replays of your personal best runs on any map and any style! Players can use the /replays command to choose from a list of available replays:

      We are debuting this feature with only map personal bests. Replays are automatically saved for either of the following conditions:
      If the map has less than 100 completes on the style you've set the PB on, If your PB was 25% faster than the average map time.  
      At the time of this update release, we had 21,810 replay files saved for 856 different Steam accounts! This is because we've been silently saving some map and bonus PB replays over the past few months to test the system until this release. There is a chance some of you may have PB replays on some maps already available the moment this update goes live, which is cool!
      This feature is available only to VIPs!
      Replay Controller
      As a VIP, you will now have access to controls over replays that you manually start using the /replay command! The controls allow players to pause, skip, rewind, and customise the amount of time skip/rewind uses.
      This feature is available only to VIPs!
      • 0 replies
    • The GFL Demographic is a yearly survey we host that asks basic questions about the members of our community. This survey is just for fun, and the data will be shared with the entire community once responses are closed! There are always some interesting changes in the views of the community every year, and I'm sure this year will be no different 🙂
      The survey shouldn't take you any more than 5 minutes to fill out, so no excuses!!!!
      Additionally, we will be giving out two months of VIP to one lucky participant!
      Frequently Asked Questions
      Q: Is the data anonymous?
      A: Yes! The only way we will know who you are is if you opt into the VIP giveaway at the end. If you are not comfortable with that,  please do not opt into the giveaway!
      Q: What is the data used for?
      A: Once we stop accepting new responses, the answers to each question will be turned into some cool charts and graphs. There are a lot of random questions that have nothing to do with GFL, and those are used purely for fun and to show the different shades of the community. The questions directly related to GFL are for us to get a feel of where our community has grown and shrunk, as well as what we might venture into next!
      Q: Will the data be released to the public?
      A: As mentioned above, the data will be compiled into a bunch of cool charts and graphs, however the data will remain anonymous regardless of if someone participates in the giveaway. Click here to view last year's results!
      The Demographic will close on December 31st so make sure you submit a response by then!
      Click below to fill out the survey!
      GFL Demographic Survey
      • 9 replies
    • Hello friends! I'm @Jeffrey The Elf! 

      I'm here to let all of you know that @Santa is coming to GFL soon! But you need to let him know that you're here so that you can get a present! @Santa's a bit old so you're going to have to follow some rules so he understands you properly:
      Include your SteamID in the “Subject” line. Find your SteamID here.   In the content of the letter, mention your favourite part of GFL (CS:GO Surf, GMod CWRP, etc.) Got it? Good! Be quick, Santa is a busy man so send your letter before December 19th!
      Send mail to Santa! Here's an example I whipped up to show you what @Santa likes:
      If you don't follow this, @Santa wont know who you are! So no gifts... wait I haven't told you what the gifts are!
      The gifts:
      1 month of VIP, 1 month of Supporter, A custom role/color in a GFL Discord (within reason), A custom modification to their Forum profile by @Liloz01 (within reason), GMod CWRP currency (2-5 million), Pointshop points on a applicable GMod server, Custom rank icon on the GMod TTT Rotation server (specific icons for players that show on the scoreboard, within reason), Custom model voucher (applicable to GMod TTT Anarchy, Horde, and TTT Rotation, within reason), A CS:GO Surf private server for two weeks, CS:GO Surf pooled exclusive permanent playermodel, A Physion Unturned vault, A Random Steam game key! @Santa will deliver everyone their gift by Christmas! If you don't like your gift, you can "trade it in" or give it to someone else! 
      Make sure to check your Forum DM with @Santa before December 31st because some of the gifts may expire by then!
      • 53 replies
    • Hello all,
      For Black Friday and Cyber Monday, rank packages, items from the Physion Unturned store, and Surf Private Servers will be on sale until Monday, November 29 at 11:59 PM.
      Supporter: $4.24 / mo (-15%) (Donate).
      VIP: $6.70 / mo (-15%) (Donate).
      Surf Private Servers: $20.99 (-30%) for the first month, then $29.99 for every month thereafter. There are limited numbers of slots available for Surf Private Servers and orders will be accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis. Apply here.
      Unturned: 30% off eligible items in the Physion Unturned store with promo code BLACKFRIDAY22.

      • 1 reply
    • What are everyone's thoughts on Overwatch 2?
      Do you like it better than Overwatch 1?
      I know they are practically the same game but I've heard a lot of complaints and a few people who praise the game as better than it's predecessor, so I wanted to see y'all's thoughts on it.
      Do you like the new heroes? How about the battle pass?

      Personally, I like OW2. I wasn't a huge OW1 player (cause poor), so I can't really say which I prefer. I do, however, prefer the single tank format to the double tank format, even if it makes some tanks less powerful now.
      The battle pass is pretty dumb, at least the way they are implementing it. Locking heroes behind the battle pass? Seriously? The next new hero Rammattra is going to be locked behind the battle pass just like Kiriko was apparently and that's honestly so disappointing. I get it from a business standpoint, they want to make money, but from a player standpoint its just annoying.
      For the most part, the new heroes and the changes to some old heroes are alright. Junker Queen is a bit weak for a tank, having similar issues to Roadhog imo. Doomfist being made into a tank was an interesting choice, but he desperately needs a buff to keep up with other tanks like D.Va or even Sigma. . I've heard that Sojourn is pretty broken apparently, but personally I haven't seen too many good Sojourn players. Kiriko is fun, nothing really bad to say about her, her voice lines are kinda boring though.
      • 5 replies
    • TL:DR
      Many Forum group issues are automatically fixed every 10 minutes now. Roughly 2,700 Forum accounts were effected by the first wave of automatic fixes.
      Some group issues still require human input (talk to me, your DL or SM!).
      • 2 replies
    • Some spooky dudes schmovin'

      A spooky dude that you can schmove

      I added some shit to some peoples profiles because they asked - The power of asking 🙂
      https://gflclan.com/profile/15181-dapainwayne/ got the spider from last year
      https://gflclan.com/profile/7801-auralanity/'s profile contracted achromatopsia

      and something secret, see if you can find it! Also see if you can find any Forum bugs and report them to me/give suggestions, ok, cool, thanks, bye!
      • 5 replies
    • Hey everyone!
      @annoying furry, @Salad and I are happy to announce that @Joshy will be joining the Directorate as Director of Teams! Joshy has shown great leadership skills during his recent time as our Moderation Team Leader, as well as his past roles within the community.
      With this, we are also happy to announce that @Shuruia will be joining Joshy as co-Team Leader of our Moderation Team. Shuruia has spent the last two years as Senior Moderator, not to mention his numerous other positions within the community. Please join me in welcoming them both into their new roles!
      Please yell your grievances at them. Thanks!
      View full article
      • 23 replies
    • Hey everyone! I'm happy to announce that @Copium Queen (Danni) is returning to their position as Team Leader of the Events Team!
      Please join me in welcoming them back 🙂
      View full article
      • 7 replies
    • What are Forum Points?
      Forum Points are awarded to a user when certain conditions are met. They are an indicator of public Forum activity and popularity. Forum Points will replace Forum Reputation once released, th
      • 9 replies
    • Hi all,
      I have started the process of overhauling the BHop server. I'm reaching out and would like to hear what suggestions, requests, or any other feedback that you have on the current server. This includes any desired features, plugins, maps, ranks, styles, etc.
      If you would like to give feedback, I have made a survey here.
      Currently, I've setup:
      Updated Shavits Timer Revamped Ranking System Persistent Bot Replays Updated messages / color styles  
      Cosmetics Styles Map Tiers  
      Once again, please let me know what you would like to see changed or added.
      • 9 replies
    • This is the GFL Newsletter for July and August 2022. It may have a shorter length this time, but that's bound to change in the future! As always, be sure to congratulate everyone else who got promoted this month by checking the promotion list from the last two months at the bottom of the newsletter!
      For each newsletter, we have one "Easter Egg" hidden somewhere. If you find it on here or on a future newsletter, please be sure to message @Dragoon (Dragoon#5140) or @Salad (Salad#6564) to claim a free prize! This section will be updated when someone discovers the secret. 
      • 2 replies
    • Hello everyone,
      Yesterday afternoon, it came to our attention that a private string of messages was leaked from GFL’s Council chat to an outside party. These messages were sent by me mentioning that I would be creating a thread to outline and document all of Roy and related parties’ actions towards GFL, that being this thread. Benroy, former Director of Teams and Moderation Team Leader, came forward and admitted that it was him, taking full responsibility for his actions and has apologised. With that, Council has collectively decided to remove him from all of his positions in GFL, as well as blacklist him from regaining staff positions in the future due to his breach of the GFL Staff Code of Conduct.
      • 72 replies
    • General Information:
      I forgot to open a nomination thread this week, as a result, this voting thread will consist of nominations included in the nomination thread for Event #291 along with an extra nominations borowed from the Nominations Megathread, next week I will open a proper nomination thread.
      Information on what these nominations are will be written in this post.
      These votes will close on: Friday September 2nd @ 4:00PM CDT
      Event will be on: Saturday September 3rd @ 4:00PM CDT
      Event Nominations:
      Event Nomination: "idk man" Map Combo -- by WarpedCakez
      Consists of:
      ze_mountain_escape_v5_zy ze_biohazard_sewer_v4c ze_shroomforest2_v1 ---
      Event Nomination: "Old maps with old settings" Map Combo -- by Nick
      Consists of:
      ze_predator_ultimate_v3 ze_fapescape_v1_2 ze_shroomforest_v4_5 ze_lotr_isengard_v2_3 Special Kickers:
      800 ammo on all maps. No rebuys. Fall damage enabled. Noshake disabled. ---
      Event Nomination: "Challenging one-stagers" Map Combo -- by GS_Bany
      Consists of:
      ze_collab_ware_a5_8 ze_megaman_a6 ze_totemo_roka_b5s Special Kickers:
      15 rounds max on Collab Ware. If map is not beaten by this time boss stages will be enabled before moving on. ---
      Event Nomination: "Hide & Seek" Map Combo -- by U-Turn
      Consists of:
      zm_abandoned_mall_v5ff_pf zm_church_of_faith_b1a_pf zm_crazycity zm_duke3d_l1_v1 zm_endless_v1_0 zm_hotline_miami_v2_0 zm_krusty_krab_a3_rev1 zm_monastery_v1_1 zm_roy_highway zm_x_dontfall_v2_fwx zm_xmas_cozmoshouse_v1_1 zm_zelda_oot_forest_templev2 Special Kickers:
      5 minutes roundtime per map. Classic spawn enabled. Bhop and knife knockback enabled. Lower zombie health. Increased ZM spawn ratio. ---
      Event Nomination: "Counter-Strike: Cold Weapons" Map Combo -- by PuddingFlye
      Consists of:
      ze_mixture_3de_v1f2 ze_standart_map_final_fix2 ze_gargantua_v2_0 ze_barrage_v1 ze_RE4_castle_a3 ze_percocet_v5_s Special Kickers:
      During each map, we'll be playing with only one specific primary weapon: Mixture will be played with Galil only, Standart Map with Famas only, Gargantua with Mac10 only, Barrage with AUG only, RE4 Castle with XM1014s only and Percocet with G3SG1s only. Gargantua will be played with classic GFL settings (with a limited time 1,000 ammo limit) and Percocet will be played with pF settings (900 ammo). Pistols and other secondaries will be left to use as are, but the ammo restrictions will apply on the maps that have restrictions. For each map, the first whole round will be WARM-UP for late joiners (regardless if the round is won or lost) since all these maps have only 1 stage.
      • 0 replies
    • Round 3 baby! We're spicing things up with this map poll, so make sure to get your votes in within a week! You can also thank iLoveNapalm for the time, as he requested it to end at 2:30 AM Saudi Arabia Time (courteous to our Saudi Arabians).
      • 1 reply
    • Feel free to post all map suggestions for the event. During the event we will run through every map, or at least attempt to.
      Event will be held this upcoming Sunday.
      Please respect the following rules:
      1.No Sexual or Offensive content within the map.
      2. Maps over 400mb will most likely not be accepted(but feel free to post them regardless its a case by case basis).
      3. Please do not repeatedly update the same post over and over, as it makes it harder to tell when new submissions have been entered.
      4. Maps that were already used on the server in a previous event, or maps on normal rotation that were removed, do not count and will be skipped.
      5. Please only Suggest maps with a TTT prefix. 
      • 29 replies
    • Like always, please attend if you have an opinion or just want to hear about what's new with GFL. You can find the Agenda for the meeting below (subject to change): Click here to see the agenda.
      The meeting will take place in the GFL Main Discord.
      Please follow the Council Meeting Calendar if you would like to be notified about any future meetings!
      • 0 replies
    • Hello! I am happy to announce that @DaPainWayne will be joining @Pyros as co-Division Leader of our GMod Division! Wayne has proven more than capable for the position in recent months with his constant willingness to help other staff, as well as his ever growing knowledge of the backend of GMod. With his experience as an admin (CWRP, DarkRP, old Purge, Prop Hunt) as well as his more recent Manager role for our Purge server, Pyros and I believe he will be a good fit for the position. Please join us in congratulating him!
      View full article
      • 11 replies
    • Council Meeting - 7/23/22
      Meeting Agenda - Click Here
      Statuses on Divisions, Teams, and Tech - Click Here
      Council Votes - N/A
      VOD - Coming Soon
      • 1 reply
    • This is the GFL Newsletter for May and June 2022. It's been quite a while, but that hasn't brought our quality down! As always, be sure to congratulate everyone else who got promoted this month by checking the promotion list from the last two months at the bottom of the newsletter!
      For each newsletter, we have one "Easter Egg" hidden somewhere. If you find it on here or on a future newsletter, please be sure to message @Dragoon (Dragoon#5140) or @Salad (Salad#6564) to claim a free prize! This section will be updated when someone discovers the secret.
      • 3 replies
  1. General

    1. Announcements

      General announcements that affect all of GFL

    2. Member Activity

      Introductions, resignations/goodbyes, and activity updates.

    3. 88.3k
    4. 4k
    5. 66
    6. Testing Ground

      Post your tests, drafts, etc. here. Topics posted here are infinitely editable and only visible to you and higher ups.

      • No posts here yet
  2. Divisions

    1. 12k
    2. 1.5k
    3. 2.5k
    4. Garry's Mod

      Division Leader: N/A

      Technical Administrator: @Fafy

    5. 426
    6. 2
  3. Teams

    1. Development Team

      Team Leader: @Joshy

    2. 1.8k
    3. 1.7k
    4. 1.4k
    5. 54
  4. Interests

    1. Art

      Share your own art or art you enjoy herein this forum.

    2. 292
    3. 62
    4. Music

      Share your own music or music you enjoy.

  5. Support

    1. General

      Having a problem? Post here to receive a reply from members of our community!

    2. Technical Support

      Having an issue with your computer (e.g. Video card failing)? Post here to receive help from members of our community!

    3. Knowledge Base

      GFL's general knowledge base.

    4. Abuse Reports

      This is where abuse reports go. You can file one by filling out: https://gflclan.com/forms/11-abuse-reports

      • No posts here yet
    5. Staff Feedback

      Submit feedback about our staff here. 
      If you would like to be anonymous use this link https://gflclan.com/forms/9-staff-feedback/

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