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Updated Damage Logs + Report System for TTT2

  • Status: To Do Priority: Medium

Currently there is a major issue with the latest baseline TTT2 update(Anarchy server uses TTT2), where our old logs are suffering from some issues(refusing to open, causing grey GUI elements to appear all over the screen). Trying to use most updated publicly available versions have not helped this issue, and are also lacking in several important usability features for TTT2 related elements. 


Update: Managed to have a damage log that works for TTT2 update but is far from ideal. still doesnt track role changes, and now refuses to track special Traitor roles. 


An updated Damagelog and Report addon to work for the most recent TTT2 update on the Steam Workshop (Link to Addon Page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1357204556 ) would be dramatically useful for server health going forwards. 


List of Wanted Features:


-All current functionality belonging to baseline TTT Report + Damage Log Systems(Viewing who damaged who and displaying their roles, displaying how they were damaged, being able to report other players upon death or via typing a chat command and selecting via GUI, able to view damage logs of all previous rounds on the current map, an archive to view damage logs from previous maps, deathscene system to view a short replay of the time before the user died etc)


-Ability to update a user's role if it changes in the middle of a round. In TTT2, there is additional roles other than for the baseline Innocent, Traitor, and Detective. Some of these roles grant ways for players to change their role in the middle of the round. Our currently used damage log system on the server is unable to track this, and can only display the role they were granted at the start of the round, making it sometimes difficult to tell what is going on in a report. Having it change if the user's role change would solve a lot of moderation issues.


Example of how this would look:

Username1(Innocent) has damaged Username2(Innocent) for 30 HP
Username1's role changes
Username1'(Jackal) has damaged Username 2(Innocent) for 30 hp. 


-Displaying the player's current team affiliation alongside their current role. In TTT2 there is three roles that can swap what team they are on without actually changing their current role. These are Pirates, Unknowns, and Dopplegangers. Having the ability to display the user's current team affiliation(Innocent/Traitor/No Team/ other role specific teams) would be incredibly helpful to keep track of these. This could be displayed next to their current role.



Username3 (Traitor/Traitor)
Username4 (Detective/Innocent)

Username6(Pirate/No Team)

USername6 (Pirate/Innocent)
Username 6(Pirate/Traitor)

Game/Platform: Garry's Mod
Manager approval: Yes
Deadline: No value

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