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Mr Z

Some SCP Weapons

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So some of us started suggestion Items so i'll suggest Weapons [again]



"The Living Gun"

Damage: Same as Commanders MP5K

Ammo: 60

This is Exactly like the Commanders MP5K but regenerates ammo

Spawn: Site Directors Office or a Chance to spawn with Commander

Model: Same as Commanders MP5K



"The Thing That Kills You"

Damage: 45

A Simple Knife that kills a person Quickly

Spawn: Probably somewhere hard to reach and hidden.

Model: Any Knife Weapon

[I Swear these 2 are related] 


"A Gun That Shoots People"

Damage: 99999

Instantly Kills whatever it hits, but also Instantly kills the user.

Ammo: 3

Spawn: Rare Chance to spawn Deep in 106's dimension, or just somewhere really hard to get to.

Model: Any Barret Model would work but this one is just Filler



"A Gun That Shoots People"

Damage: 99999

Instantly Kills whatever it hits, but deals 99 damage to user

Place that is shot starts on fire similarly to the Molotov, but anything that enters the fire instantly dies

Ammo: 1

Spawn: SCP 2818-1 Put into 914 on Very Fine, this means it requires more work to get this and you gotta rush

Model: Any Barret Model would work but this one is just Filler


Some of these seem overpowered but they're SCPs that are weapons.

Most weapon SCPs seem ridiculously Overpowered




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