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tecee's CS2 ZE Admin Application

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SteamID64: 76561198165775635
Discord Username: tristanncr

Age: 32
Server Playtime: 200+

Your timezone: GMT+1 - Germany


What time of the day are you usually on ZE? Usually when you guys wake up. Its mixed between super early or mid day. I got my own business so it depends.


Are you in school or already in the workforce? Workforce


Are you able to understand any other languages besides English? German, little bit Dutch


Why do you want to become an admin?

Hey guys,


long story short, im european so i would cover the times between early US, late Asian timezone and middle and late european timezone to keep the server enjoyable as it is.

For me its not about a status, even if you guys would refuse this application i will be still a vip buyer at all. I dont play any other games, ZM on GFL is the only game i really enjoy.

And over the last couple month it felt like the old times, you will remember (early 1.5 / 1.6 cs) where we guys got @mp3 in our names. And that feeling for a game is a true gem nowadays 


I just want to make sure, that everybody have a good time playing on GFL ZM. 


Keep up the good work,




enjoys the daily zm autism

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