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Tips And Tricks

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So, You are wondering the basics? If not and you would like to go more advanced, you may scroll down to the 'advanced' tab.

The very basics of L4D2 Is if you are ever going to be in a team, why abandon them?

As much as it is to be cool and be one of those 'speedrunner guys'!? Well if you are hoping to go into a pub lobby (Public Lobby) [ Pub meaning Public, if anyone says that, you know now! ] doing this, you may be kicked!

If you are going to go by your own, or maybe with robots, you are more than welcome to to rush without them, since they're bots. And real human beings are salty, so just please, bots dont have feelings.

Now, are sometimes you are getting inside a horde? Well no problem, If there are getting too many you can easily shove them back by pressing Right click!

Now you can shove zombies back, easy! But! Be aware...


TAANK! Now, these big zombies are called a tank, tanks cannot be shoved and they are very powerful depending on what  difficult you have it on! Now, Dont be afraid! You can throw one of these:


This is called a molotov, it is very effecting killing common zombies, common zombies are errr.. Zombies! Just there are differences, There are Special Zombies, And Common zombies.

Special zombies have unique abilities, if you would to know how to counter them click on the advanced tutorial when you scroll down once you're done with this one!

Common Zombies can be very annoying and can come in hordes of many every 2 minutes, correct me if I am wrong!

To kill the tank, it with fire, goto advanced tips and tricks - Tank , you will find a scoreboard / information about fire + tanks!

Now, one last thing before we go advanced, there is a...err. bit-ch! *cough* Sorry, The name is a Witch. This is a witch:


Dont be afraid! She will not harm you as long as you dont go near her, if you walk right past her she will get very angry but she will not kill you as long as you are on alot of health! This is it for the basics, if you want to know how to kill the bitc- Witch, you may carry on reading!


JAiZ made a video on how to one tap a witch, you can watch it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZdjI2U48yU

Fire + Witch + Night = Moves slower.

Fire + Witch + Day = Moves faster than you, a witch has 300 units where as you normally have 220 units, unless you have an adrenaline.


He also made a video on how to shove a hunter and jockey mid-air, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVqjot76QUk and another video on how to easily kill a charger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHhoW3WLcWY


Just a heads up, I did NOT made this guide at all, all credits go to this guide that I found on Steam, I just removed some part that I consider not needed to know on a basis level, you can check it out there and see even more tips.


Have fun on the servers.





@Ash-'s opinion on gmod: 






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