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Crazy Lady Outside My School

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Figured I'd share with those lurking about the forums looking for entertainment.


So last week there was some crazy lady with a megaphone outside my school screaming about rape. She came immediately after spring break ended and she decided to harass the school so much that the school had to tell us that basically she's a cunt.

Ok so, what you're now asking is "why is she outside your school? Why a megaphone? Why for a week?"

So there's 2 assumed versions of the story. The first one comes from schoolground talk and the rumor is that her daughter (who's mentally slow) had been caught having sex behind the gym and her mom claimed it rape, as some stupid sjw bitch would

The second one comes from mom groups on Facebook (my sister's in one) and involves her daughter again. The rumor of this one says that she was found talking to some guy online using one of the schools computers. The first one seems a little more plausible but they're still bullshit

"Why a megaphone?" cause she's a cunt

"Why for a week?" I assume its because she gave up after either the truth came out or we ignored her for long enough.


Either way we took an l for a week then we took the mega W

Randy Tudor. Good man. DAMN fine man. Powerful 'stache. One of the greats.

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