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Map Change

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13 members have voted

  1. 1. Change Time

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Right now when voting for next map there is a 10 minute time span before the map actually changes.  Was thinking about this tonight and wanted to get input from others.  I think the current time limit is fine in that it still allows you to have more time to play a map you enjoy, and the opposite for someone who wants the map to change faster.

I think decreasing it by about 5 minutes would be something that should be considered.  Still gives you time to play the map a little extra, and may speed things up for people losing interest.

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Posted  Edited by Mad_Father

I think the current time is fine, if people doesn't like the map, he/she can RTV even after the map voting ends.


If we do move the voting time to 5 minutes before the map changes, I still don't think this will affect anything.

Edited by Mad_Father


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A problem is many people vote and then leave before the map even changes. Maybe we could change it so that there are five minutes of time after you vote and an increase of five minutes before the vote would be great. It wouldn't change much, but its a good change none the less.

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Posted  Edited by -SL
19 hours ago, Mad_Father said:

I think the current time is fine, if people doesn't like the map, he/she can RTV even after the map voting ends.



People tell people to RTV and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.  We can't say for sure if it's because they don't want the map to change yet, or they just don't know what RTV is.  As there's usually select people that communicate when on the server.

6 hours ago, Ninja said:

A problem is many people vote and then leave before the map even changes. Maybe we could change it so that there are five minutes of time after you vote and an increase of five minutes before the vote would be great. It wouldn't change much, but its a good change none the less.

My initial post kind of made it sound like I wanted to decrease the time of the map, and it  somewhat was. But Ninja makes a point, but to say it in different words all we'd be doing is changing the time at which Map Vote takes place.  Rounds would still be 30 minutes, we would just have map vote at 25 minutes into the round instead of having it at 20 minutes.

Edited by -SL

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