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[Announcement] CS:GO Expansion -- VIP/Top 100 Surf Timer Server!

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I am very pleased to announce our most recent addition to the CS:GO Division, a VIP/Top 100 server! This is something Ash and I have been working on for quite some time. 


After a critical hardware failure resulting in the implosion of both the intermediate and beta test servers, several rounds of crying, and the hand checking of approximately 200 + 600 maps (Thanks Dini, Infra and Foolish for helping us out!) on both servers, we were able to re-release the intermediate server, and bring back the beta test server in the form of something we'd been thinking of for awhile - a VIP/Top100 server! 


With 532 maps, this server has every map that we've got tracked that doesn't need fixing in some form. As we fix other slightly more broken maps, it'll have around 630 maps across all tiers. Feel like grinding some of those Tier 1 maps in a slightly less social environment than the Beginner server? We gotchu covered. Expert server has a Tier 6 map and you're trying to work on Tier 4s? We gotchu covered. 


As mentioned, this server is going to be more of the spiritual successor to the Beta Test server. Maps will drop here first only because adding maps requires taking the server down to ensure the "map differs" error won't happen on load. Once the map is confirmed to not have issues, it'll be queued for the respective server it belongs on, and added there once or twice a week during off-hours. There may be a slight delay initially due to the sheer number of maps we've added, but all maps will make their way to the public servers they best fit.


If you'd like to see a list of the maps we've got on this, check out our updated server map list at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zrfjFhTzY3jgDHkS-LQfkwt_lgCHaVhvdXad9byKt-4/edit?usp=sharing


Thanks! We hope you guys will enjoy. IP to the server: gosurf5.gflclan.com:27015/

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Former CS:GO Surf Timer Manager. (2014-2016) (2019-2021)

Former CS:GO Division Leader. (2014-2016) (2019-2021)

Former GFL Director of Divisions. (July 2020-October 2021)

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