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Tips to playing each role - Feel free to give input

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Posted  Edited by BlazingArson


Team: Innocent

Dont die lol



Team: Innocent
Get the p90, stay near a crowd, radar, USE THE DNA SCANNER, check priest bodies to see who they last saw if they died by holy deagle.



Team: Traitor
Same as normal TTT. If there is no spy, talk with your t buddies, tell them where you are, if you are going to slam, if you are activating a dangerous trap, etc.


Team: Jester

Type: Special Evil

Do not t-bait. You'll only fool newbies and burriss. Instead do more subtly kosable things, like walking past unided bodies.



Team: Jackal

Type: Killing Evil

TALK WITH YOUR SIDEKICK. Get a sidekick thats good at the game, then go ham.



Team: Jackal

Type: Killing Evil

Refrain from doing anything major until your Jackal dies, then get a sidekick and go ham.




Team: Restless

Type: Killing Evil

Act as a normal innocent for most of the round, only kill if you are 100% certain of surviving.



Team: Infected

Type: Killing Evil
Get 2-3 infected zombies and then hide. Use a sniper if you arent absolutely terrible with it.



Team: Innocent

Sucks to be you (joke). I dislike spy, I don't really have any strategy for it except make it too the end and get explosives as those are best for dealing with the group of ts. or just luck.


Team: Innocent
Don't announce that you are beacon until it is shown.




Team: Traitor

Make your targets a priority if you can, otherwise play as normal T.



Team: Marker

Type: Special Evil

Stealth. Snipe with the marker gun. If you can find an unknown, mark it kill it.



Team: Innocent

Announce who you are holy deagleing please. That's it. Maybe try to get sidekicks idk lol



Team: Innocent
Put the ankh in a slightly hidden place, and stay alive as long as possible. Or, stay away from groups in hopes to be stealthily killed.


Team: Traitor

Play as normal T, the ankh is not a priority



Team: Traitor

Wait to revive someone until someone who is good at the game is dead. DO NOT ID THE BODY.



Team: Traitor
Play as normal T


Team: None

Type: Neutral
DO NOT T BAIT. Best you'll get with that is survivalist/detective. Act as normal inno, except stay alone. Or just subtly mention that you are unknown without saying it.



Team: Innocent
p90 for that auto proven + good weapon, look for credits, stay near crowds. Play as detective really.  Generally, you die if you get the p90 and it just goes to the evil role who killed you. I suggest the awp or a healthstation.



Team: None
Type: Special Evil

Make bodies if you can, otherwise play as normal inno and wait till more bodies appear. Get a role you are good with, make sure to not id the body if it wasnt ided.


Serial Killer:

Team: Serial Killer

Type: Killing Evil
Depends on the map. Artillery Canon on open maps or clue (on clue, do it from where the light switch thing is, you wont die if you aim it right.) Otherwise, Nokia and the rest is situational.



Team: Traitor

Stay away from crowds, try to look like a normal detective. 



Team: Traitor
Only turn ravenous if you are the last t, or until its only you and 1 other t versus 1 person if you wanna screw over your t bud. Eat enough to get to 250 hp before turning ravenous.


Team: None

Type: Special Neutral
Wait till you can find a good role or leave it up to chance


Team: Doppelganger

Type: Neutral Evil/Special Evil
Same as Mimic but kill the unknown you make.


Team: Traitor

Go ham, hope your t buds kill the one you haunt

Team: Innocent
Basically play as normal innocent, you just get healed

Randy Rando
Team: Randy Rando
Use the randomat. This role might be getting a buff soon, but it will still be mostly based around randomness so there isnt any strategy.

Left out: Lycanthrope, Wrath.
For obvious reasons.

If you disagree or have something to add, feel free to comment.


Edited by BlazingArson

Made by @Clavers

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Posted  Edited by Gustavus

"Do not t-bait. You'll only fool newbies and burriss. Instead do more subtly kosable things, like walking past unided bodies."




in terms of detective, i would actually advise buying radar first, p90 with the 2nd credit you obtain.

For survivalist i would still buy p90 just to prove yourself


For haunted, if you have access to comms (IE no spy) coordinate with you t buddies to put yourself in a situation where you travel in a pair and you attack 1-2 people and then your t buddie finishes them off, instantly reviving you. Works really well.


For default innocent, i would stick with a special innocent role for the majority of the game to protect them, since your life is less valuable than their's and being with someone you can 100% trust is extremely beneficial for your odds of winning

(Oh also you can steal the surv/det's p90 after they die lol)


Edited by Gustavus

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Another strategy as spy is to figure out who the T is and watch them kill innos then pull out a t weapon and walk away. They might kill a teammate thinking you're the real traitor or maybe go into the T room near you which you can use as a way to kill any T entering

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Adding on to this, generally with roles on the T team, communication is key. So hope you don't have a spy in the round cause then you cant T chat talk. Haunted is the one that most needs communication

Also beacon was removed so removing it

Made by @Clavers

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On 1/12/2021 at 5:26 AM, BlazingArson said:

Team: Jester

Type: Special Evil

Do not t-bait.

100% of the time I T-Bait I still get killed. Guess I'm just that threatening. 


On 1/12/2021 at 5:26 AM, BlazingArson said:



Team: Innocent
Get the p90

This is terrible advice. Doing this just makes you a larger target. Buy a sandwich instead and go for powerful automatics or the shotgun..


On 1/12/2021 at 5:26 AM, BlazingArson said:


Team: Jackal

Type: Killing Evil

TALK WITH YOUR SIDEKICK. Get a sidekick thats good at the game, then go ham.

All you really need is to sidekick someone. Then go ham, it's up to the sidekick, (which they most likely know what to do.) So just killing everyone as Jackal and then dying is sufficient.


On 1/12/2021 at 5:26 AM, BlazingArson said:


Team: Innocent
p90 for that auto proven + good weapon, look for credits, stay near crowds. Play as detective really.  Generally, you die if you get the p90 and it just goes to the evil role who killed you. I suggest the awp or a healthstation.


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Posted  Edited by BlazingArson
7 minutes ago, Alexis said:

100% of the time I T-Bait I still get killed. Guess I'm just that threatening. 

The jester advice is a bit dated, people seem to pay less attention now. It's also better to t bait now, as its fixed on one winstate (respawning as an opposite team of your killer and your killer die)


7 minutes ago, Alexis said:


Ngl i forgot about the sandwich 



7 minutes ago, Alexis said:

All you really need is to sidekick someone. Then go ham, it's up to the sidekick, (which they most likely know what to do.) So just killing everyone as Jackal and then dying is sufficient.

This is just what I said, except you generally still need to talk to your sidekick. Sidekicks a lot of the time tend to get themselves killed before you can do anything, which is just bad to do as a sidekick, so they don't normally know the best strategy expecially since we have a sizable amount of newer people

Edited by BlazingArson

Made by @Clavers

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2 hours ago, BlazingArson said:

This is just what I said, except you generally still need to talk to your sidekick. Sidekicks a lot of the time tend to get themselves killed before you can do anything, which is just bad to do as a sidekick, so they don't normally know the best strategy expecially since we have a sizable amount of newer people

Edited 2 hours ago by BlazingArson

That's why I said they sometimes know what to do.

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