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Sophie~ ♡

TTT 5 Anarchy EU Role List

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Posted  Edited by Sophie~ ♡

Innocent Roles: 



Team: Innocent

Same as normal TTT.



Team: Innocent
Same as normal TTT, however the DNA scanner uses an updated model, and behaves slightly differently, instead of acting like a clone of the Radar, you instead can follow the DNA from the actual device itself in real-time. It also makes it much easier to tell what you can get DNA from, and it'll let you know if multiple sources of DNA found are all from the same person.



Team: Innocent

An innocent Role. Appears as a Traitor to the Traitor team, and is able to 'fake' buy items from the T shop. The spy is not informed as to who the Traitors are. Spies will appear as a Traitor when their body is Ided. While the Spy is alive, Traitors are unable to use team chat. 



Team: Innocent

A innocent Role. Spawns with a special Holy Deagle. The Holy Deagle has limited ammo that it slowly regenerates overtime. Shooting an innocent role with the Holy Deagle(Not counting detectives) adds them to the priest's Brotherhood. Someone who is apart of the Brotherhood sees the name of all other Brotherhood members highlighted in green on the scoreboard. If the Priest shoots an infected or Sidekick with the Holy Deagle, they are killed. Shooting any other evil role simply kills the Priest. If the Priest is converted into An infected or turned into a sidekick by the Jackal, ALL members of the brotherhood will also be affected. If a player's role is changed to an evil role after they are introduced into the brotherhood, they remain inside the Brotherhood.



Team: Innocent
An innocent Role. Spawns with a special Ankh they can place down. The Pharaoh will revive at the Ankh if they are killed, and the Ankh grants a slow health regeneration while within its Radius. However, placed Ankhs can be destroyed permanently by anyone, and have 500 health. Upon reviving, the Ankh will be destroyed and the Pharaoh will only have 50 health. Reviving is on a 10 second delay after death. Upon playing the Ankh, one of the Traitors will be transformed into the Graverobber. The Graverobber behaves the same as a normal Traitor, however they have the ability to steal the Pharaoh's Ankh for their own use. Additionally, anyone standing near the ankh will slowly regenerate health over time.


Graverobber: (Placed here due to being directly related to Pharaoh)
Team: Traitor

A Traitor role. When the Pharaoh places down his Ankh, a random traitor becomes the Graverobber. The Graverobber is nearly identical to the default Traitor role, however they have the ability to steal the Pharaoh's Ankh for themselves, by holding E on it to convert it. The Pharaoh is alerted when this happens, and the Ankh changes color from a Yellow glow to a Red one.



Team: Innocent
An Innocent Role. Starts with access to the Detective shop and a single credit they can spend to buy an item. Appears as a Grey Icon on the Detective(or other friendly roles)'s Radar informing them of their identity.


Team: Innocent

An innocent role. If they are the last Innocent left alive, they will gain a massive buff in the form of Extra Health, free armor, passive health regeneration, a speed boost, faster stamina regeneration, and damage. 


Traitor Roles: 



Team: Traitor
Same as normal TTT.  Are informed as to the identity of the Jester if there is currently one in the round. Traitor team chat is disabled if a Spy has spawned in the round.



Team: Traitor

A Traitor Role. They are given a player as a target. They deal extra damage against their target. If their target dies, they obtain a new target after a period of time. 



Team: Traitor

A Traitor Role. They spawn with a one use defib that can revive any dead player as a Traitor. The revived player will not appear as alive on the scoreboard if their body was already ided. Players revived are given the Thrall role, which behaves identically to the default Traitor. Mesmerists start with only one credit.



Team: Traitor
Created when the Mesmerist revives a dead person as a Traitor. Identical to a normal Traitor outside of the name.



Team: Traitor

A Traitor role. Appears to be a Detective to the innocent team, and has access to the Detective Shop. The Defective does not take the place of a Normal Detective spawn, and instead spawns in addition to the normal amount of Detectives. When ided, the Defective will show up as a Detective.



Team: Traitor
A Traitor Role. Is unable to access the T shop, but has access to an unique weapon and a hunger meter. The Glutton is able to eat corpses with its weapon, healing and gaining additional max health. It can also be used as a weapon to damage other players. The Glutton's hunger meter will slowly fill as time goes on. The higher the bar, the more damage is dealt to players with the weapon, but if the hunger bar gets full, the Glutton becomes the Ravenous, a role that is hostile to everyone, and is visible with a Red Trail following it. The Hunger bar drains whenever the Glutton eats a corpse. Other Traitors are able to view the current status of the hunger bar when looking at the Glutton.


Ravenous: (Placed here due to direct ties to the Glutton)
Team: Ravenous

Type: Killing Evil

An Evil Role. The Ravenous spawns when a Glutton lets their hunger meter be full for too long. They are no longer on the Traitor team, and must kill everyone to win. They lose access to all weapons except for the special Glutton weapon, and a red trail follows them. They have massively increased speed and damage. 


Team: Traitor

A Traitor role. Does not have access to the Traitor shop. Upon someone killing the Haunted, they gain the Haunted status and are surrounded by Black smoke. Upon the player with the Haunted status being killed, the Haunted will respawn with 50 health. This effect can happen multiple times. 


Team: Traitor
A Traitor role. The Imposter starts with a 50% damage penalty and cannot access the Traitor shop, but has access to a sabotage menu and the ability to place 3 vents around the map. Any Traitor(Or Doppleganger Traitor) are capable of accessing the vents to teleport between vents. The Imposter's Sabotage menu allows it to activate one of 3 sabotages. Sabotages only last for a certain period of time, and this time can be reduced by other players locating the Sabotage station and standing in the red circle.  Additionally, the Imposter has the ability to instant kill someone at close range by pressing E, but on a long cooldown.


Neutral Roles: 


Team: Jester

Type: Neutral Evil

A standalone role that has the goal of wanting to get themselves killed. Upon being killed, their killer will also die, and then the Jester will either respawn as a random role opposite of the team alignment of their killer, or respawn with the same role as their killer(Randomly chosen at start of round. Jester is informed as to their winstate but no one else is). Jesters are unable to hurt or damage other players. 



Team: Jackal

Type: Neutral Evil

A standalone role. They win by killing everyone else, not counting the Jester. They have access to the Traitor Shop, but cannot use Traitor Traps and are not allied with the Traitors. They spawn with a special Sidekick Deagle that comes with one shot. The shot regenerates overtime if you fail to shoot someone with it. Upon hitting a player with the Sidekick Deagle, they become a Sidekick and allied with the Jackal. If the person shot with the Sidekick Deagle was a Detective, they continue to display as a Detective for the innocent team. If the person shot with the Sidekick Deagle was originally a Traitor or a Spy, they will continue to display as a Traitor for the Traitor Team, however the T's chat will be re-enabled if it was the Spy converted. If the original Jackal dies and the Sidekick is still alive, the Sidekick will become a new Jackal and gain their own Sidekick Deagle.



Team: Jackal

Type: Neutral Evil

This role is created when the Jackal shoots someone with their sidekick deagle. It overrides their previous role and they are now on the Jackal's team. They gain access to a T shop same as the jackal, and can speak to the Jackal using team chat. When the original Jackal dies, the sidekick turns into a replacement Jackal, gaining their own sidekick deagle.



Team: Restless

Type: Neutral Evil

A standalone Role. They win by killing everyone else, not counting the Jester. They have the ability to come back to life three times in a round, but each time they respawn they have less health and deal less damage. They will respawn at a random spawnpoint when killed.



Team: Infected

Type: Neutral Evil
A standalone Role. They win by killing everyone else. People they kill with their fists or guns(Provided they still hit the corpse with their fists within a few seconds) come back as Infected on the side of the Infected. People revived this way have 30 health, are visible as a zombie skin and are armed with fists that can kill someone in 2 hits. They also gain a speed boost. The infected IS able to kill the Jester without giving the Jester a win. However, if the original Infected is killed, all other infected also perish. 


Team: None

Type: Neutral
A neutral Role. Like the Jester, they want to be killed. Upon being killed, they respawn with the same role as their killer. They cannot win the round without having been killed and changing to another team. Unlike the Jester, they are capable of dealing damage. They will not respawn if their killer dies while they are reviving. 



Team: None
Type: Neutral Evil

An evil role. Upon investigating a body, becomes the role of the dead person. Cannot win without assuming a role. Amnesiacs can either murder someone and take their role from their body, or try to find a dead body on their own. All players are informed when the Amnesiac claims a role, as well as what role they claimed.  The Amnesiac deals reduced damage to players until they obtain a role from a body. If the Amnesiac claims a role that is normally unique, such as the Marker, they are considered as being on that original person's team(Example: Amnesiac becomes the Restless, they are now allied to the original Restless). Amnesiac counts as an evil role in regards to the Priest


Serial Killer:

Team: Serial Killer

Type: Neutral Evil
An Evil Role. Wants to kill everyone who is not the Jester. Has access to an unique variant of Radar called the Pinger, that shows player's outlines through walls. Also has access to his own unique shop menu separate from the Traitor and Detective menus, with his own unique items.



Team: Skirmisher

Type: Neutral Evil

An Evil role. Needs to kill everyone alone to win the game, the skirmisher receives a 50% damage buff and a 50% damage reduction buff with the caveat of not being able to purchase anything from the T-Shop. 


Team: None

Type: Neutral
An neutral role. They are unable to win by default and must instead copy someone's role. Pressing E on another player causes the Mimic to copy their role after a few seconds. Copying a Player's role sets the Mimic's Role and Team Alignment to the same as the person they copied.  Similar to the Amnesiac, the Mimic has a damage reduction that is applied until they steal a role. 


Team: Doppelganger

Type: Neutral Evil
An evil role. They win by killing everyone else who is not on the Doppelganger's team. They are able to steal someone's role by pressing E on them, similar to the Mimic. However, they remain on the Doppleganger team after taking their role, and their Victim loses their role and transforms into an Unknown. Additionally, the Doppelganger cannot steal the roles of the Infected.


Randy Rando:

Team: Randy Rando

Type: Neutral Evil

An evil role. They win by killing everyone else. They do not spawn with access to a shop, but instead have a Randomat. Upon using the Randomat, one of various special events/round modifiers will trigger. Some are good, some are bad, some simply cause mass chaos. Rando has a lower spawn rate than most other neutral evil roles. Rando also starts with access to a Randogun, a special weapon that has various possible effects when fired.


Team: None

Type: Neutral
A neutral role, Pirates start with no team at first. One pirate will randomly be selected to be the Pirate Captain. The Pirate Captain has a special item called a Contract. By dropping it and letting another player pick it up, the Pirates are now allied with the Team of the person who owns their Contract. This applies even if the Contract holder's team changes, as the Pirates will also change to be allied with the Contract holder's new team. If the holder of the Contract dies, the Pirates revert back to having no team until a new player picks up the contract. Additionally, if the Pirate Captain is killed, a new Pirate is randomly selected to become the new Pirate Captain, and the original Contract will no longer be valid. 


Team: None
Type: Neutral

A Neutral role. The Drunk starts without any team affiliation. Every time a player dies, the Drunk has a random chance of copying their role, and transforms into the role after a period of time. Everyone is informed when the Drunk "Sobers up", and the progress until the Drunk becomes a new role is displayed on the hud.


Team: None
Type: Neutral

A Neutral Role. The Undecided is given a menu with up to 3 options, each option displaying a role. Selecting a role causes the Undecided to become that role for the rest of the round. If they do not vote for a role within a minute, they will automatically be assigned Jester.


Team: Hidden
Type: Neutral Evil

An evil role. The Hidden appears as a normal player to begin with. When they press the R key they permanently transform into their Hidden form. This is announced to everyone. While in their Hidden Form, they gain a massive speed boost and a Knife that can 2 shot basically anyone. They also have access to a Stun Grenade that does around 60 explosive damage and applies a blurr effect to the screen of people hit. Additionally,  the Hidden can only be seen as a Blur, and is capable of climbing walls by mashing the jump key near them. The Hidden is a super rare role and is basically only obtainable one in a blue moon, or by being offered it by the Undecided




Credit to @Cpt.Haxray for 99% of this list, I have ported this list over to Anarchy EU albeit slightly modified as we are not identical.

Edited by Sophie~ ♡

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