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Posted  Edited by Mary

This was my final for my senior year in high school. I was in the visual arts magnet and I successfully completely it to the best of my  ability. This earned me the "Visual Arts" stole to wear during my graduation ceremony. 

Our final was basically based on us needing to pick our own subject and make 30 pieces using that subject. This horse lady was my main piece which hung in display during the senior art show. The subject I had picked was  therianthropy. Therianthropy is the mythological ability of human beings able to morph into other animals by shape shifting. :)


Its not perfect, but I did spend a very long time on it and this piece is about 6 feet tall. So much oil paint was used. 


Edited by Mary




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Posted  Edited by Mary

This was my final for my senior year in high school. I was in the visual arts magnet and I successfully completely it to the best of my  ability. This earned me the "Visual Arts" stole to wear during my graduation ceremony. 

Our final was basically based on us needing to pick our own subject and make 30 pieces using that subject. This horse lady was my main piece which hung in display during the senior art show. The subject I had picked was  therianthropy. Therianthropy is the mythological ability of human beings able to morph into other animals by shape shifting. :)


Its not perfect, but I did spend a very long time on it and this piece is about 6 feet tall. So much oil paint was used. 


Edited by Mary




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Posted  Edited by Mary

This was my final for my senior year in high school. I was in the visual arts magnet and I successfully completely it to the best of my  ability. This earned me the "Visual Arts" stole to wear during my graduation ceremony. 

Our final was basically based on us needing to pick our own subject and make 30 pieces using that subject. This horse lady was my main piece which hung in display during the senior art show. The subject I had picked was  therianthropy. Therianthropy is the mythological ability of human beings able to morph into other animals by shape shifting. :)


Its not perfect, but I did spend a very long time on it and this piece is about 6 feet tall. So much oil paint was used. 


Edited by Mary




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