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One hit kill

Juan Deag  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Juan Deag = Death

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Posted  Edited by -SL

The Deagle should be a 1 hit kill to the head.  It can be fun challenging other high level players to a deag dual but landing 1 can be hard enough as it is.  This could be fun for new players landing a 1 hit kill on a higher level, also brings back the tradition of landing juan deags.

Edited by -SL

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No, definitely no. If someone is that bad and cant play with deagle, its not our problem. Deagle is not that hard, people are just too bad for using it and they complain about it. Always see like "ohh, its terribly accurate, what a crapy gun" and so on. If you want one shot one kill, do awp hs. 

Also we removed auto snipers, negev, m249, because it was op. Does that mean we have to add some op shit which is more op than autos and machineguns together? xD

Like having new ideas, but not op ones which would kill all fun with deagle. I like Juaning, this would be shit, my accuracy is pretty good imo, so I should just walk and run gun side to side with it. No. No. No. 

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I rape on the server and am only gn2.  Granted it's easy to do well if you have the forgiveness of vampire/dmg/health.  The people who play the server now come on and get destroyed by ppl.  They also do not speak up to understand what's going on. But I hear you, having less challenge does decrease the fun of the game.  But it looks like the majority are already speaking, no juan deags.

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Deagle is fine as it is in my opinion. As Golden said, if you want to 1 shot headshot a high level player, get an AWP. The deagle 1 shots the majority of people anyway.

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